SCSYAM: Vocations Talk
Explore the vocations of the diaconate and marriage with St. Catherine of Siena Young Adult Ministry (SCSYAM), featuring Deacon Juan and Olivia Moreno. See you on Friday, November 4 @ 7:00 PM in the PLC Hall!
Explore the vocations of the diaconate and marriage with St. Catherine of Siena Young Adult Ministry (SCSYAM), featuring Deacon Juan and Olivia Moreno. See you on Friday, November 4 @ 7:00 PM in the PLC Hall!
As we renew our vision of Youth Ministry at our parish, members of the Parish Pastoral Council would like to hear from parents and guardians of youth in our parish about their experience with and expectations of Youth Ministry and youth-focused programs and activities.
St. Catherine of Siena Young Adult Ministry (SCSYAM) will be meeting every 3rd Friday of the month, starting Friday, August 19, 2022, in the PLC Hall.
A six-part series for liturgy committee members, liturgy coordinators, liturgical ministers, musicians, as well as teachers, catechists and those who do sacramental preparation. The series will be offered in both English and Spanish.
Please join us for this workshop crafted for all lay-people interested in supporting vocations and gaining tools to systematically work on creating awareness, promotion and sustenance of vocations. The workshop will be offered both in English and Spanish.
Please register by February 25th.
During the weekend of February 26, we will have the opportunity to come alongside those who are suffering through the Annual Catholic Appeal. Each of our gifts, no matter the amount, makes a difference in someone’s life.
25% comes back to our parish for our own outreach to those in need. Prayerfully consider what you can give this year.
Please designate St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Vallejo - 425.
Ever had a question about vocations or the priesthood? Join SCS Young Adult Ministry and our parish priests for Ask Me Anything: Vocations Edition this upcoming Friday, November 12 at 7:00pm in the PLC Hall.
Email youngadults@stcsv.org with questions!
Please also considered a canned food item to help those in need!
COME & JOIN US Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 1:30pm at the Gym. Learn more about our faith, serve our Parish & make new friends.
Followed by Thanksgiving Mass at 5:00pm in the Church
Come play Jeopardy with your fellow Young Adults at SCSYAM on Friday, October 22, starting at 7:00pm in the PLC! Discover a different side of Halloween and see in how it relates to All Saints’ Day.
As we begin October, the month of the Holy Rosary, join your fellow Young Adults this Friday October 8, in the Parish Life Center at 7:00pm for our next meeting. We will be praying the rosary together and will be making rosaries to be distributed among our local community!
All are invited to the 10th Annual Diocesan-wide celebration of the Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz and the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines on Wednesday, September 29, at St. Clare Catholic Church in Roseville, CA. Join Bishop Jaime Soto in celebrating the Mass at 6:30p.m. followed by entertainment and free food.
A bus has been arranged to pick up from the St. Catherine of Siena parking lot promptly at 4:00pm and return to St. Catherine’s after the festivities around 11:00pm this day for those who would like to attend. The cost is $30 per person. Please register using the online form or visit the Parish Office to secure your spot. Spaces are limited.
Friday, July 9, St. Catherine of Siena Young Adult Ministry presents Adoration and Celebration starting at 7:00pm with Fr Glenn. Come spend an hour with our Lord Jesus Christ in the church alongside your fellow young adults!
St. Catherine of Siena’s Young Adult Ministry (SCSYAM) invites you to the Advent
Reflection and Fellowship on December 11 at 7pm through zoom.
In preparing ourselves for Advent, we will be having a three-day online Advent Retreat during the evenings of November 30th to December 2nd starting at 7pm each evening. Mark your calendars for this wonderful opportunity and register in advance!
SCSYAM invites you to our Movie Night! Advent Season is approaching, so come watch A
Christmas Carol with us this Friday, November 13 at 7pm via Zoom. Bring your snacks and dinner!
St Catherine of Siena's Young Adult Ministry would like to invite all young adults ages 18-39 for prayer and fellowship on October 16 at 7pm via Zoom. Whether you’re a college student, single, working or married, we hope to have a community here for you. Hope to see you there!
Join us March 30th to April 1st for our Parish Lenten Retreat at St. Catherine of Siena Church. For three days we will start with 6:00 pm mass and hear from Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J. thereafter. The retreat will conclude with our Lenten Penance Service on April 1st where many priests will be here to hear confessions. We encourage all to participate and to take advantage of this great opportunity!
All St Catherine of Siena Ministry Leads are encouraged to attend our first Ministry Leads’ Meeting on Friday, February 7th, at 7pm in the St. Catherine of Siena Hall! Please take advantage of this opportunity to share with us whether you have been a part of our parish for years or whether you are brand new.
Although this meeting is intended specifically for ministries of St. Catherine of Siena, leads for mandated organizations such as Cursillos in Christianity, Knights of Columbus and other similar groups are also invited to join and participate. Let us keep our Parish Mission in mind and move forward together as one community!