Wisdom and The Eternal God Lives In Me

One of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is wisdom. Wisdom is considered the first and the greatest of the gifts.

Wisdom is the ability to see and understand things, ourselves, others, our situations from God’s perspective and use that truth to glorify God. Even if you are the most knowledgeable of all people, if you have no wisdom, you will not know what to do with what you know. Same with wealth and power - without wisdom, you will not know what to do with them and therefore, you might do more harm than good.

It is important to have accurate perception because accuracy of perception leads to accuracy of response especially to the call of God. It makes a whole world of difference. So, pray for wisdom every day.

Let me share with you a few stories or modern-day parables. If you have heard them already before – take it as a reminder - to further explain - why we need the Holy Spirit of God – the gifts of the Holy Spirit – for accurate perception and understanding of reality, of God and of what life is all about.

A man walking through the forest saw a fox that had lost its front legs for some reason and the man wondered how the fox managed to survive. Then he saw a tiger come in with game in its mouth. The tiger ate its fill and left the rest of the meat for the fox. The next day God fed the fox by means of the same tiger. So, the man began to wonder at God's greatness and said to himself, "I too shall just rest in the corner with full trust in the Lord and He will provide me with all I need."

He did this for many days but nothing happened, and he was dying, almost at death's door – so to speak - dying - when he heard a voice say, "O you, who are in the path of error, open your eyes to the truth! Follow the example of the tiger and stop imitating the disabled fox.”

You see- we need to constantly discern God’s will for our lives… what we are called to be - and do… by listening to the Holy Spirit within us – by living a life of prayer, by our obedience to Jesus’ teachings.

So – the question is: Are you using the gifts you have given in loving service of God and others? Can others experience God’s loving presence, His love, grace and mercy through you?

Are you a taker or are you a giver?

Let us pray for a generous spirit so that we can give of ourselves, our resources, time and talents to make our world a better place for others

There was this eagle’s egg that somehow ended up in a chicken farm. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle’s egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg.

One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit cried out for more. While playing on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds."

The chickens roared with laughter, "You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar." That is what the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, after time, stopped dreaming and continued to live the rest of his life like a chicken.

The moral of the story: You become - what you believe you are… you become what you think you are.

We need to ask ourselves: Who am I? Whose am I? Who are We? What are we?

Today – we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, Feast of the Holy Spirit – Who guides us to all truth, Who reminds us of who we are – we are the beloved sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Christ, therefore, co-heirs to the Kingdom of God… We are the Body of Christ; we are His Church; we are the temples of the Holy Spirit. That is what and who we are…

The truth is - “In Christ, there is no such thing as an ordinary life.” As the late Pope Benedict XVI said: “We were not made for comfort. We were made for greatness.” … to soar like the eagle, so to speak.

Admittedly, at times - we get so bogged down by struggles and temptations in this world and we lose perspective and we do not and cannot hear the voice of God anymore with all the worldly noises - so - we need to listen to the voice of God… even for a few minutes each day… in prayer.

Jesus said, 'If you hold on to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31-32)
- Free for what? - Free to be the person God meant us to be. That is when we will be truly happy.

Pentecost is not the commemoration of a historical event. Pentecost is the affirmation of the reality of the living God in our lives… the presence of God’s Spirit within us.

A little girl was asked: “Is God big or small?” She replied: “God is so big that the entire universe cannot contain Him… but God is so small that He lives in my heart…” - That is the truth…

We have heard and have been taught many times that the Holy Spirit that filled St. Peter and the other apostles on first Pentecost Sunday is the same Holy Spirit poured unto us at our baptism… but we have heard it so often - that we no longer feel the impact of its meaning. But - think for a moment - what an awesome thing it is to say, “The eternal God lives in me.” The Spirit of Christ is in me. God did not just give us gifts – God gave us His very life… so, we can share in His divine life.

 So - Please say with me: “The eternal God lives in me.” (Repeat) It think it will do us good to keep repeating this phrase to ourselves… and to continue to reflect on this reality… It will be great to remind ourselves of this everyday….

 … May be – say the phrase at the beginning of each day… Because this is a life-changing realization, life-changing awareness - if we truly accept it and truly believe it…. “The eternal God lives in me.” The Risen Christ is in me.

 It is an incredible thought, but it is the unmistakable message of Pentecost.

 Gifts come with a mission.

 In the Gospel, Jesus said to his disciples: “Peace be with you” – and as Pope Francis said: “that is not a greeting, not even a simple good wish - it is actually a gift… of true peace and of Mercy…

 Jesus did not blame them for abandoning him but instead - He said “Peace be with you” .... because the apostles needed to hear those words of forgiveness for themselves for their own failures as disciples…. So that – in turn – having experienced the mercy and forgiveness of God - they can announce the Good News of God’s mercy – the Good News of the forgiveness of sins – so that forgiveness will flow through them - to others – to the world.

 “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” – Jesus is telling that same thing to us.

The Spirit of Jesus has been given to us not just for ourselves but for a world that longs for love, that longs for meaning in life.

There are people out there – maybe the people sitting right next to you – in front of you or behind you - starting with our own family members - longing for an experience of God, longing for the Spirit of Jesus. They are seeking people who know God… who know not just about Jesus... but who know Jesus
- and who walk in His way…

There are people and probably you may know some of them - who in the way they live their lives, others can see the fruits of the Holy Spirit… - People see in them: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

People are looking for people who not only know about justice and compassion but they are looking for people who are just and compassionate.

The great work that began on first Pentecost Sunday continues through us. Remember that the Holy Spirit is IN US. He will reveal to us His wisdom to you and me a little bit at a time, allowing us to grow into holiness at just the right pace…uniquely for each one of us.

And so – we pray: “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of us - your faithful - and enkindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth, THROUGH US!!


(Pentecost Sunday – Cycle B –
May 19, 2024 – Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15)