We know for a fact that the best athletes in the world, who personify perfection, made a lot of sacrifices to be what they are. They lived a very disciplined life, they gave up certain pleasures. For many months and years, they made up the time to exercise and practice because that is how badly they want to win the gold medal…
Multicultural Sunday
New Fencing: Safety First for Our Students
The Foolish Rich Man
My Vocation is Love - Young Adults Retreat
Catholicism: Faith Formation Program
Loving Our Neighbor
RCIA Workshop Series
Freedom and Following Jesus
Formation Day for Ecclesial Ministers
Hosted by Bro. Fred Castro Speaker: Ian Emperador Lay Ecclesial Minister Requirements: Attend one formation session. Those who may have contact with minors must complete the Diocese's Safe Haven and fingerprinting requirement. Fingerprinting services will be provided at the formation session. Receive the commissioning at any of the Masses of Pentecost. Those unable to attend a formation session must review a session recording and submit a written reflection. Those unable to receive the commissioning must receive it a later date to be announced. Those who do not attend formation, complete Safe Haven and fingerprinting as required, or receive commissioning may not to serve.