Role of Godparents

Godparents help the parents in the spiritual upbringing of the child to be baptized. While the child is too young to profess the faith on his or her own, the Parents and Godparents do this on the child’s behalf.

For this reason, we ask that you to consider the spiritual life of the person who you pick as Godparents. Parents will often ask their best friends or favorite relatives to be a Godparent. However, we encourage you to select should be someone who prays, attends mass and confession regularly, and lives the Catholic faith by their words and actions. They do not have to be a saint, yet they should be striving to become one.

Godparent Requirements

  1. The child may have up to 2 Godparents (1 Godfather and 1 Godmother). They are considered the primary Godparents, and at least one (1) is required for the Baptism.

    • Additional and non-Catholic Godparents are considered Christian witnesses. They can attend the Baptism. However, they may be unable to participate in the Sacrament itself.

  2. Godparents cannot be the father, mother, or spouse of the person to be baptized.

  3. Primary Godparents must attend the Baptism Preparation seminar, or have completed it within the last 2 years. If taken at another parish, a completion certificate must be provided.

  4. Be at least sixteen (16) years of age.

  5. Must have received all 3 sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.

  6. Be a practicing Catholic and in good standing with their registered Catholic Church.

    • He or she must have the aptitude and intention to fulfill the role of a Godparent. This includes regularly attending Mass on Sunday's and Holy Days of Obligation.

    • If they are currently not a St. Catherine's parishioner, the bottom portion of the Godparent verification form must be filled out by their Pastor and receive the parish seal.

  7. Based on marital status:

    • If married: The Godparent must be married in the Catholic Church, or have his or her marriage recognized (convalidated) by the Church. The Godparents do not need to be married to one another.

    • If single: The Godparent cannot be cohabiting with his or her partner. This shows an understanding of the importance of keeping Christ present in all relationships.