Role of Parents

Parents wishing to have their child baptized promise to raise their child within the Catholic faith. This includes bringing your child to Sunday Mass, and raising them in Church’s teachings in both Word and by your own example. Even if one of the parents is not Catholic, the Church obligates the Catholic parent to raise their child in the Catholic faith.

For that to happen, you cannot give what you do not have. In other words, if you want your child to grow up in the faith, you must also have faith. You are never alone in this duty because the community here at St. Catherine’s wants to help you every step of the way.

 Parent Requirements

  1. Parents must intend to raise the child in the Catholic faith, as well as regularly attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

  2. Parents may be unmarried or not married in the Catholic Church.

    • However, we encourage you to consider being married in the Catholic Church, or have your marriage recognized (convalidated) by the Church.

  3. Both parents must attend the Baptism Preparation seminar, or have completed it within the last 2 years. If taken at another parish, a completion certificate must be provided.