We’re excited to have your child join the Catholic faith! As good parents who want care for the needs of their child, Catholic parents should take special care in fulfilling child’s spiritual needs by presenting him or her for Baptism. If you are an active and registered parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena, and would like to have your child age 6 years and younger baptized, please see the information below.

Request for Baptism

Please complete the online form to request a Baptism at St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Read the following before submitting your request:

  1. This is a request form only. The Parish Office will contact you and email the online Baptism Registration, once the Baptism and/or Baptism class dates have been confirmed.

  2. Due to the increase in the number of requests for Baptisms, please complete this form prior to making any personal arrangements. Please do not send out invitations, reserve a reception site, or make travel arrangements until a Baptismal date is confirmed. (PLC Hall cannot be reserved for receptions.)

  3. Per Diocesan instruction, we cannot accommodate Baptisms during Lent: February 14–March 28, 2024. Baptisms will resume on or after April 2, 2024.

Types of Baptisms

Private Baptisms
(Bautismos privado)

  • English ⁠–⁠ Upon request. We offer private Baptisms on Tuesdays or Thursdays only, pending Church and clergy availability.

  • Español ⁠–⁠ Generalmente no se ofrece, a menos que se haya acordado previamente con Diácono Alejandro: (415) 871-6420.

Group Baptisms
(Bautismos en grupo)

  • English ⁠–⁠ Usually 3rd Saturday every month, until May 2024. (Starting June 2024, Baptisms will be scheduled on the 2nd Saturday, unless indicated otherwise.)

  • Español ⁠–⁠ Generalmente el primer sábado de cada mes.

Required Documentation

The Parish Office will email you the online Baptism Registration, once the Baptism and/or Baptism class dates have been confirmed. The following documents should be completed (or uploaded) online:

  1. Completed registration form. The Parish Office will provide the link to the online Baptism registration, once the Baptism and/or Baptism class dates have been confirmed. (Paper forms are available, upon request.)

  2. Copy of the child’s birth certificate. A Live Birth certificate (or hospital record) may be accepted as a temporary placeholder. However, we will need a copy of the Birth Certificate, no later than 3 days prior to the scheduled Baptism.

  3. Verification form for the primary Godfather. The form will be emailed along with the online Baptism registration, or can be picked up from the Parish Office. (Please note: Secondary Godparents are not required to complete the Verification Form or attend the Baptism class.)

  4. Verification form for the primary Godmother. The form will be emailed along with the online Baptism registration, or can be picked up from the Parish Office. (Please note: Secondary Godparents are not required to complete the Verification Form or attend the Baptism class.)

  5. $80 donation, which includes the Baptism and Baptism class offerings for the Parents and up to 2 primary Godparents.

  6. Parents and up to 2 primary Godparents must attend a Baptism class at least 1 month before the Baptism. (Even if one parent is not Catholic, he or she is still required to attend.)

    • If a Baptism class is taken at another parish or through our approved Catholic Baptism Prep online course, a completion certificate must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the Baptism. Baptism classes are valid for up to 2 years after completion. (If completed outside of our parish, you must pay for the registration fees separately.)

    • Secondary Godparents and ineligible Christian witnesses are not required to attend the Baptism class. However, they are allowed to register separately here.

Baptism Class
(Plática de Bautismo)

If the primary Godparents attend the class without submitting their Godparent verification form on-time, we cannot guarantee their eligibility. (Si los padrinos principales asisten a la clase sin enviar su formulario de verificación de padrinos a tiempo, no podemos garantizar su elegibilidad.)


  • Parents and up to 2 primary Godparents must attend a Baptism class at least 1 month before the Baptism. Classes are usually held on the 3rd Friday of each month from 7:00–9:00 PM, via Zoom. (Even if one parent is not Catholic, he or she is still required to attend.)

  • The Zoom link will be emailed to the Parents 1 day prior to the class. Please forward the link to the Godparent(s), if they will be attending.

    • The link is only sent to families who have submitted the Baptism Registration and required documents.


  • Los padres y hasta 2 padrinos principales deben asistir a una plática de bautismo al menos 3 días antes del bautismo. Las pláticas suelen ser el miércoles por la noche antes del bautismo. La plática es 7:00–9:00 PM en la iglesia. (Incluso si uno de los padres no es católico, aún así debe asistir.)

  • Diácono Alejandro no acepta papeles de bautismo ni pago durante la plática. Toda la documentación debe entregarse en la oficina parroquial.

Additional Information

  • Typically, Baptisms take place at the Church the parents are registered at. We strongly encourage you to register as a St. Catherine's parishioner, if you haven't already.

  • Group Baptisms are offered with limited availability (up to 12 children). Although Mass will not be celebrated, the Sacrament of Baptism usually lasts up to 90 minutes.

  • Each child is permitted to have up to 15 guests attend the Baptism, including the Godparent(s).

  • One (1) candle is provided for your family. If your family or Godparents would like an additional candle to use during the ceremony, they will need to bring their own.