God’s Love and Divine Mercy

The greatest message of Jesus in all of the Gospels is Mercy.

In the Gospel of John (3:17) -"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”  God does not desire the destruction of sinners but the conversion of sinners.

The message of God’s Divine Mercy and forgiveness - that flows from God’s abundant love - is the very source of our hope… hope that does not disappoint.

As written in the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus told her: “If you were to take all of the sins ever committed on earth, they would not amount to a grain of sand in comparison to the ocean of the Divine Mercy of God.”

God wants us to recognize that His mercy is infinitely greater than our sins. Romans 8:38-39: “Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus”.  So, we are all invited to call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. 

For those who have not been confession in a long time, do you remember the first thing you say? We start with: “Bless me Father for I have sinned.” 

Doesn’t it sound odd or strange?  It seems there is some audacity or boldness or even arrogance in those words. We sinned and yet we come to Christ – in the person of the priest and we dare to say: “Bless me Father for I have sinned…”  It seems more natural or more correct to say: “Give me penance…” or “Spare me… for I have sinned.”  But we start with: “Bless me, for I have sinned? “

There is a profound truth there.  Blessing is not deserving.  Blessing is not payment for good works.  Blessing is not earned. Quite the opposite, blessing is the gift one receives by pure grace and mercy. Grace is getting what we do not deserve.  Mercy is not getting the punishment we deserve.

And - When one receives a blessing - it says more about the goodness of the one who blesses or the one who gives the blessing than the goodness of the one being blessed.

St Paul in his letter to the Romans (5:8) – “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

The Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession – is one of the greatest gift of God to His Church for us - through which we experience God’s mercy - through Christ – with Christ – in Christ…

Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis have all repeatedly said: “The greatest sin today is that people have lost their sense of sin.

We are all tempted and we fall into sin.  It's part of life's normal struggle. But the problem - the most serious problem is - not so much the temptation and us falling into sin against God’s commandments, but the problem is our behavior and attitude towards sin.  

With all due respect - we have become masters in justifying ourselves.  We always find an alibi that explains our shortcomings.  People think everything can now be explained away… or rationalized… or cleared through psychotherapy.

“It is always the other person’s fault”… “Everyone is doing it.”  And so - people do not think in terms of sin anymore, they no longer feel sorry and repentant and therefore, in their mind, there is no need to change and that is why people do not go to confession anymore.

 The truth is – whether you like it or not – whether you believe it or not: - the truth is -  Salvation will not come from our cunning,  not from our cleverness, not from our intelligence. Salvation comes from God's grace and how we train every day of our Christian life cooperating with God’s grace.

We live in troubled times - in the midst of trials, violence and hatred in the world, in the midst of struggles in life, God wants the world He created and loved - to know Him in a relationship of intimate trust.

The message of the Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us— all of us.

God does not love us because of the good things we do; we are loved because of our need of God’s love.  God is love.

 The truth is – quite a paradox - we experience the loving presence of God not so much in our giftedness or talents – not when things are going well - but we experience God’s love - more so - in our struggles and brokenness.  In our weakness, we experience the love of God more deeply.

Babe Ruth, the famous professional baseball player, drifted away from his faith during his career.  One night he was very ill in a New York hospital, and a friend suggested that he make his peace with God.  As a result, Babe Ruth asked to see a priest.  After celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation, Babe Ruth wrote:

 “As I lay in bed that evening, I thought to myself - what a comfortable feeling to be free from fear and worries.  I could simply turn them over to God.”

Wow!  What an experience of peace – in trusting God’s mercy - in being reconciled with God.

Thomas Merton, an American Trappist monk, a theologian, a mystic – said: “We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.” – that is the bottom line.

The message of Divine Mercy is one we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC: - back to the basics.

A - Ask for God’s Mercy. God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour out His mercy upon us and upon the whole world. 

Jesus told St. Faustina: What offends Jesus more than the sins people commit is people’s lack of trust in His mercy. 

Jesus also told St. Faustina: “If you think you are a greater sinner than the others, the more you have a greater claim, the more you have a greater right to My Mercy.”

Jesus said: “Let them come to me.  Everyone who comes to seek my mercy, I will not disappoint them.”  “I will grant them the remission of all their sins, even if they be as scarlet; even if they be more than the grains of sand on the seashore and even if they are as many as the stars in the heavens.”

A - Ask for God’s mercy.

B - Be merciful.

What did Jesus say – the first thing he said the first time he met his disciples after His Resurrection?  He did not condemn them or judge or got angry at them.  He just said: “Peace be with you.” – so that the disciples would experience His mercy so that in turn they would be merciful

 God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others just as He does to us. Our being forgiven of our sins depends on our being merciful ourselves  also towards others.  As in the Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” If you want to be forgiven, now you know what to do.The first step in being merciful with others is to reflect on and be aware of our own sinfulness and the countless times we have been forgiven instead of judging those who have sinned against us.

 Think of the “worst” person you can think of; think of the worst people you can think of. Has it ever occurred to you … that if you were given the opportunity or if you were put in the same situation…  that you would have done also those same bad things people did, maybe even worse? Do not be proud now.

A – Ask for God’s mercy.

B – Be merciful

C - Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust Jesus, the more we will receive. 

 "Jesus, I trust in You!"  This prayer clearly expresses the attitude with which we, too would like to abandon ourselves trustfully in the hands of our only Savior – Jesus Christ.

 Let me close with the Divine Mercy message from Pope Francis:

“God is waiting for us. Let us find the courage to return to His house, allowing ourselves to be loved by him, to dwell in his loving wounds, and to encounter his mercy in the sacraments. We will feel his wonderful tenderness, we will feel his embrace, and we too will become more capable of mercy, patience, forgiveness and love.” 

 God bless…

Enter into the Story of the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection

Out of fifty-two weeks each year, we call this week holy. Holy Week. Why? Because we commemorate during this week that which is at the heart of the story of our faith… the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We especially remember how much the Son of God loved us.  We can say: He loved us to death and to His Resurrection that gives us hope.

You know the story of this week. It begins with a triumphal entry – like that of kings and conquering heroes returning victorious from battle. The people run out from the city. They spread their outer garments and palm branches along the road. They shout, “Hosanna!” “Hosanna” is the Greek word meaning, “Save, we beseech thee.”  The name Jesus means “God saves”.

Jerusalem, has been waiting a long time for her savior to come. She has dreamed for generations of another King David. Israel wanted a Messiah-King, and Jesus came talking about his kingdom. The people saw both divinity and royalty in Jesus, the miracle worker.

All the characters in this drama, so to speak, suddenly discovered that they all have different understanding and different intentions compared to what Jesus had in mind and what was in His heart.

Not only Herod. Not only Pilate. Not only the high priest and members of the Sanhedrin, the religious leaders of the Jews. But even Jesus’ friends, as well. And not only Judas, among his followers. Peter denied him three different times. Ultimately all the disciples forsook him and fled. Every one in this drama misunderstood who Jesus is and what He is about. That is also our story.

When it became apparent that Jesus was not whom they expected, all the “Hosannas” died and the multitude became a scornful mob yelling for blood. So, how do you explain such a week? How does a triumphal entry lead so quickly to a public execution?

Have you ever thought, “If I had been there, I would have done something or said something”? Don’t miss the point. You and I were there. I am a face in that crowd that went from exclaiming, “Hosanna!” to shouting, “Crucify him!” We belong to those same religious-political establishments and the crowd - so preoccupied with their prejudiced ideas – or concepts of who or what God is – how the Messiah will come and how he works in our lives.

We are among the followers who betrayed him, denied him, and forsook him.

Pope Francis in a homily for Palm Sunday challenged us to ask the question:

Who am I?

Who am I before the Lord as He entered Jerusalem?

Who am I before the suffering Jesus?

Am I like Judas, or Pilate or Peter?

Am I like the sleeping apostles or the soldiers who struck the Lord?

Am I like Simon, the Cyrenian who helped Jesus carry His cross?

 Am I like those who walked by Jesus on the cross and mocked Him?

Am I like the fearless women and Mary, His mother who were there and suffered in silence?

 Which of these people am I like?

Where is my heart?

Or, maybe, you can relate to Jesus’ words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Maybe, you are at this point in your life when it seems God has forsaken you.  He seems to be absent and yet, you are here and you continue to believe that God loves you.

I encourage you this coming week – to make time, spend time – reflecting – examining your conscience; your life, how your life has been; the meaning of your life and to enter into the Story of the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection… and maybe you can find your place in the drama, so to speak, of Holy Week… Get into the story of the Holy Week.

On this Palm Sunday and coming Holy Week, let us ask ourselves – Will this be just another Palm Sunday? Another Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday.

Same priests and same ministers.  Same old liturgy.  Could I be among those who see, feel, and think nothing?  … that this coming Holy Week will just come and then be gone? Please be not like that.

You see - This week can become really holy for us in ways we do not expect. Sometimes we experience something new in the old story that forces us to a new level of understanding…. Understanding ourselves, understanding of God and others, understanding of reality. We may not want to do this, and it may be painful, but it is always important.

Since the first day of Lent, we have been challenged to change and give up our self-centered habits – by praying, fasting and alms-giving.

 During Lent, actually during our life – but particularly during Lent - we are called to follow Jesus on the way to the cross.  Admittedly, we do not want to suffer. On the cross, Jesus reveals to us both his infinite love and his complete self-renunciation or dying to self – complete surrender to the will of God – complete trust in God the Father.

As we get closer to the end of our Lenten journey, we are asked:

Are we a better person, a better Christian now than we were last Ash Wednesday?

Have our old self-centered selves died? 

Have we reached out to those in need, just as Jesus did?

Have we died to ourselves in order to serve our neighbor?

And therefore - Have we produced more fruit.”

Or are we the same old self-centered, self-absorbed, self-pre-occupied selves that we were when our Lenten journey started?

May these questions remain with us throughout the entire week.

Have a Blessed Holy Week.

God bless..

God Loves You; Be the Light of the World

I need your cooperation to try something with me. If you could please close your eyes.  Everyone – including those standing in the back – just lean or hold on to something or someone - Please close your eyes - no peeking.  Are they closed? Please do not open your eyes until I tell you. But, please do not sleep…

I will ask you a few questions but just respond to them in your mind.

Now, sitting there – or standing there - in the darkness – so to speak, how do you feel?  Is it comforting and restful?  Or scary and unsettling?  Would your answer change if I asked you to keep your eyes closed for the rest of the day?  How would it feel to have to feel your way around in total darkness - in the church – at your homes - wherever you go?

Now open your eyes.  Thank you for cooperating. Aren’t you glad you can see? 

… which is something we tend to take for granted… and not appreciate.

Imagine a world NOT being able to see anything.  Even the most safe environment can become frightening and unsettling when it is dark or when lights are turned out.

You See - Jesus used this basic human preference for light as we heard in our gospel reading today to illustrate the impact of His coming into the world… what His becoming one of us really meant – It was like suddenly turning on the light switch - in a world that had been locked in darkness.

It was like – we are blind and because Jesus came and became one of us – now, we can see! – See what? – See the truth about ourselves, about our fellow human being – about our world – See the truth about what life is all about, the truth about how much God loves us – unconditionally. Jesus showed us God’s unfathomable and inexhaustible mercy.  Jesus is the Truth. When Jesus came to be with humanity, his presence with us brought light into dark corners of the mind and soul of humankind.

The scribes and pharisees of Jesus’ time were so blind, in their unbelief and prejudiced ideas that God was right in front of them but they did not recognize Him; they even killed Him. That is why Jesus said: “You look but you do not see; you hear or listen but you do not understand.” (Mt 13:13)  We are all like that at times.

Christ our Lord came among us as the light of the world that we might walk in His light.  And Jesus is asking you and me, “Do we prefer darkness or light?”

That is the deciding question of our life.

So – let us ask ourselves - What situations in your life right now appear to you as a choice between light and darkness?

We have to choose between light and darkness, between good and evil, (sometimes, it is kind of gray and we do not know), between love of God or love of worldly things that keep us from living in the light of Christ. 

In the Gospel Reading today, Saint John explains to us the true cause of so much sadness, suffering and struggles and sin in the world.  He tells us that even though Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, came to the world, humanity preferred the darkness instead of the light.   Many people turn their backs on God, they sin and act and live their lives as if God does not exist.

As Pope Pius XII once said: "The greatest sin in our generation is that it has lost all sense of sin." – meaning people now think everything is "relative" and can be explained away or rationalized and therefore, people do not feel sorry for the bad things they did and so they do not repent… they do not go to confession anymore and they remain in sin… they remain in darkness.

The late Pope Benedict XVI said in his homily – I quote: “Relativism is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine". We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive (meaning - no more absolute truth) and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.

The Pope continued: “We, however, as Christians – we have a different goal: which is - the Son of God, the true man. Christ is the measure of true humanism. An "adult" faith is not a faith that follows the trends of fashion and the latest novelty; a mature adult faith is deeply rooted in friendship with Christ. It is this friendship that opens us up to all that is good and gives us a criterion by which to distinguish the true from the false, to distinguish deceit from truth.”

We usually think of Judgment Day in terms of the end of the world or Jesus’ second coming or when we die.

But actually, judgment occurs each day of our lives.  How we live, the choices we make every day, what we do or do not do, is judgment – we judge ourselves… because they have eternal ramification or consequences.  Our choices and our deeds or failure to do what we are supposed to do - determine our eternal destiny. 

So - We make judgment on ourselves by the choices we make every day.  As has been said: “God does not send anyone to hell; rather, we judge ourselves.”

From the Gospel we heard: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”

We also heard - “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.” But you see - Believing in Jesus does not mean only an intellectual assent or agreeing being convinced that Jesus is who He says He is.  Even the devil believes that and trembles.

Faith is an act of the will – we were given free will and we have to make a decision to place our trust in God, in Jesus – to have a personal loving trusting relationship – entrusting our life to Him completely.

“Come into the light,” Jesus invites us.  It is a choice for each of us.  If we can get used to darkness, we can also get used to light.

Today – it is what we call Laetare Sunday… the middle of the penitential season of Lent and we are called to Rejoice!  Why?  The Church invites us to reflect on God's love for the world and to be joyful because of it. God loves each and everyone of us, so much so that He gave us His only son… to save us from living in darkness.  God never and will never give up on any of us.  No one is beyond God’s power to heal and save, no matter what you have done, no matter what your past may have been.  God is always faithful even when we are unfaithful.

Today we are invited to say yes to God's love.  God loves us unconditionally; no ifs, no buts. This is the kind of love God has for us. This is the kind of love we should have for one another. This is the kind of love that is lived in heaven.

We were created to live the good life… That is God’s plan for us… to share in God’s divine life of love… even here on earth.   We were created in the image and likeness of God who is love and so our very nature is to love – sacrificial love – giving of ourselves for the good of others… That is what life is all about.

 Just as God so loved the world that gave His only Son – we are called to a life of good deeds prepared for us by the Lord…even our good works is a gift from God, so we cannot boast. Everything is by the grace of God.

 When we change our lives, when we choose to do good – when we choose to follow Christ as our light, we also become light for others.

God does not want us to simply avoid evil or avoid doing bad but more importantly, He invites us to do good. True generosity is what brings us peace and fulfillment to our lives.

Jesus said: “You are the light of the world.  Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.”  (Mat. 5:14-16)

So let us ask ourselves - What can you and I do these coming days to bring good news to someone especially those who are hopeless, despairing and troubled?  In other words – how can we be like Christ in being a light in other people’s darkness… or how can our presence in people’s lives serve as a source of goodness, of hope, of love - as Christ is?   

My brothers and sisters in Christ, may the Light of God shine in our hearts so that we might reflect to the world the glory shining on the face of Christ.


“The Grace of Confession and Holy Communion”

After healing the leper: Jesus said: “See that you tell no one anything…”

The question is: Why did Jesus command people to not tell others of the miracles He performed? … Because - Jesus did not want people to misunderstand who He really was and what His true mission was… what He’s all about.  He did not want to be thought of - only as a mere miracle worker.

The deepest meaning of his Being, his mission, his ministry could be understood only after His Resurrection.

After Jesus’ transfiguration (Matthew 17:2-3) – after Peter, James and John saw a glimpse of Jesus’ glory… As they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus told them, "Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead."

That is why after Jesus’ Resurrection and before ascending to heaven - Jesus said to his disciples, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, (meaning – Now, you can tell all – all about Me) – Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)

Meaning - Now, since we know Christ better – since we now have a greater knowledge and understanding of Who Jesus really is - our mission is - to proclaim the Good News of God’s love, grace, mercy and salvation through Jesus Christ - starting with our families.

As has been said; “You cannot give what you do not have.” It is important that we be united first with Jesus – it is important to be in communion with God first… to be in communion with the Body of Christ… to be able to fulfill our mission… to be what we are called to be.

Jesus said: “I am the vine; you are the branches – apart from me – you can do nothing.”

…And as St. Paul said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

The   question is:  What is it that separates us from God, from Christ and what breaks our communion with the Body of Christ, what breaks our relationship with one another and therefore causing us not to be able to fulfill our mission?  For some – they have already forgotten about this word - It is SIN - which is spiritual leprosy.

For lepers - In addition to physical suffering and pain, what was worse was that lepers were isolated from their family and excluded from the life of the community.

Like leprosy, sin has both personal and social impact …. Sin breaks the communion between the person and God and it also breaks the communion or the relationship between the person and the rest of the Body of Christ, the community.

And our Gospel story today is a beautiful example…. not just of Jesus healing the leper, but of what happens to us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in Confession.  Jesus understood not only leprosy, but he understood also sin. 

And as with leprosy, when Jesus healed the leprosy and sent the person to the priest to allow him to return to the community, the same happens in confession.

Jesus is actually the one who heals us in the sacrament of Reconciliation.  The role of the priest as a confessor is very much the same role as those Jewish priests in the scriptures – which is to acknowledge the forgiveness given by God to the person, and in the name of the Church, in the name of the Body of Christ, to re-admit this lost sheep – so to speak - back into the fold – back into the community. 

We know from the teachings of the Church that if we have committed a mortal or serious sin, that we are NOT to receive Communion until first we have confessed our sins and have been absolved. 

Why? Because - When we celebrate and when we receive the Eucharist, we are – in essence - making a profound public act of faith (before others, before the community) - expressing that we are in complete union with God and with one another.  That is why we call the Eucharist – Holy Communion.

So - if our communion with God and with one another is broken by serious sin - before we would come up and make that public act of faith - we better make sure that we really are in communion with God and with one another… because you commit another more serious sin if you do that – if you receive Communion unworthily.

We make this public expression of faith when we receive Communion - So that the Eucharist is preserved as something that actually signifies what we say it signifies – Holy Communion with God and with one another.

Again - When you come to the table of the Lord and receive Holy Communion – you are actually publicly expressing that you are in union with God and with one another. 

Confession then makes sense when we remember to connect it to Holy Communion – to the Eucharist.  It is when people think of Confession separate from the Eucharist, that is when people begin to wonder or even question why going to Confession is even necessary.  We need to put these two profound sacraments – Confession and Holy Communion - back together again to really understand the WHY of Confession… why we need to go to confession … Why? …so we can receive Holy Communion - Jesus Himself – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

All the other Sacraments also point towards receiving Communion.

There are people who think that they do not have to go to confession.  And, what is really sad - is that they continue to receive the Holy Eucharist - as if it meant nothing to them – but just a Catholic thing to do… that is the extent of why they receive Communion.

Sadly, as Pope Pius XII said and as Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis have all repeated. ... “The greatest sin today is that people have lost their sense of sin.”  That is because – people have lost their sense of identity – they lost their sense of who they belong to - who they are (beloved children of God) – people lost their sense of what they are meant to be… what life is all about.

People do not go to confession anymore… because they think and believe that everything can now be justified and rationalized and explained away based on worldly perspective… therefore, people do not take responsibility for their actions… because there is always something or someone to blame… other than themselves.

You see - SIN is real. Choices we make do impact our relationships… and have eternal consequences.

And it is very important to remember this – when it comes to sin – venial or mortal. If a person has committed a great sin, a serious sin - it lies heavy on his conscience; but if he is truly sorry, goes to Confession - he is forgiven and the guilt is taken away.  But if you are one of those who think – “I only have venial sin” - you see – if a person is constantly doing small things that are wrong, the danger is that he does not feel any more guilt at all, and so is not really sorry, does not go to confession and therefore he remains a sinner.  So you see, it is as important to avoid little sins as big ones.

You see - If you keep committing small sins, it will weaken your resolve and you will and pretty soon - will be committing more serious sin… that is reality check.

We, Catholics, have the great gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  That is where the Lord, through the priest, cures us of all of our spiritual sicknesses.

As in all Sacraments – Going to Confession is an intimate personal encounter with Jesus.  You are actually confessing your sins to Jesus and when the priest absolves – it is actually Christ who absolves your sins.

We should learn from the man with leprosy who, kneeling before Christ, humbly recognized that he was sick and needed to be cured of his sickness.  Our soul also needs to be healed.

I am saying this with all due respect: To those who come to Mass… but do not receive Communion - with all due respect - coming to Mass and not receiving Holy Communion – in a very simplified analogy - is like coming to a banquet but you do not eat… it does not make sense… But it is great that you come here – at least - and hopefully, eventually, you will be able to receive Communion.

To those who do not and cannot receive communion because of your personal reasons - please take this as an invitation to let us help you get over whatever obstacles you might have that prevent you from receiving Holy Communion - the Eucharist – Jesus Himself - the source and summit of Christian life… So – we invite you – let us help you – and come and see and taste the goodness of the Lord… Do not miss out on the amazing grace of the Eucharist.  Jesus is reaching out to you NOW.

 I think the response to our Responsorial Psalm (32) today evokes or expresses what we feel after Confession and after receiving Holy Communion:  “I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.” Awesome! Beautiful!

 This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday… the beginning of Lent – the period when we are all invited again to examine our lives, to examine our consciences and to renew our covenant relationship with God… Who loves us and He is merciful.  


God bless…

Come and See

As we enter into Ordinary Time of the Church Liturgical year, please keep in mind that any Sunday in Ordinary Time is no less important than the other liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

In fact, Sundays in Ordinary Time - are devoted to the mystery of Jesus in its fullness – for us to become more familiar with the Person of Christ and His way of living – and - on these Sundays in Ordinary Time - we focus more on various aspects of our faith, especially the mission of the church, our mission in the world… as individuals and as a community.

That is why - as we begin this season of the year, the Church takes us to the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry… For the next two weeks we have various accounts of the calling of his closest disciples… to “come and see” and Jesus is extending the same invitation to each one of us….

Before I continue on our reflection on the Gospel, just side liturgical notes:

As we heard in the Gospel, John said: “Behold, the Lamb of God” – pointing to Jesus - the same words we hear the priest say as he raises the Eucharist…before Holy Communion -  so we are actually invited to gaze upon the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world…

“Behold” means – to look - but I notice people looking down instead of gazing at the Eucharist at that point.

So, I invite you to look with a loving gaze instead of bowing down and imagine Jesus calling you by your name and inviting you to enter into communion with Him… Emmanuel… God with us… either actually receiving Communion or at least Spiritual Communion.

After receiving Communion and partaking of the Body of Christ, as you walk back to your pew – focus on Jesus – NOT up there somewhere – but Jesus being IN you – and enjoy the company… so to speak… and when you get back to your pew - talk to Jesus and listen to what He’s telling you.

To those who do not and cannot receive communion because of certain personal reasons - please take this as an invitation to let us help you get over whatever obstacles you might have that prevent you from receiving Holy Communion  - the Eucharist - the source and summit of Christian life… So – we invite you – let us help you – and come and see and taste the goodness of the Lord.

That is the end of my liturgical notes:

“Come and See” – on that note - Let me continue our reflection with a story:

A young man, a spiritual seeker, once journeyed into the desert to visit an elderly monk. He found the monk sitting by the entrance to his hermitage with his dog sprawled out lazily nearby. 

The young man asked the monk a question, “Why is it, Abba, that some who seek God come to the desert and are zealous in prayer but they leave after a year or so, while others, like you, remain faithful to the quest for a lifetime?” 

The old man smiled and replied, “Let me tell you a story: “One day I was sitting here quietly in the sun with my dog.

Suddenly a large rabbit ran across in front of us.  Well, my dog jumped up, barking loudly, and took off after the rabbit.  He chased the rabbit over the hills with a passion.  Soon, other dogs joined him, attracted by his barking. 

What a sight it was, as the pack of dogs ran barking across stony embankments and through thickets and thorns! Gradually, however, one by one, the other dogs dropped out of the pursuit, discouraged by the harsh terrain and frustrated by the chase. Only my dog continued to pursue the rabbit. 

In that story, young man, is the answer to your question.” 

The young man sat in confused silence. Finally, he said, “Abba, I don’t understand. What is the connection between the rabbit chase and the quest for holiness?” 

“You fail to understand,” answered the old hermit, “because you have not asked the obvious question which is: ‘Why DIDN’T the other dogs continue on the chase?’ 

And the answer to that question is, ‘They had not seen the rabbit.’”

- meaning – the other dogs joined only because they were attracted only by the barking and the running.  By way of analogy, Jesus is the rabbit.

Meaning - My brothers and sisters - with all due respect – Are you Catholic Christians because you are just attracted by the rites and rituals and ceremonies – because you like the Catholic traditions?  Unfortunately – there are people who have religious practices and they are good at it.  They have relationship with religion but NO personal relationship with Jesus, the Risen Christ… but just going through the motions because it is a Catholic thing to do …

So – the question is - How real is the living Jesus Christ in your life?  

The late Pope Benedict XVI said – I quote, “Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” - Unquote.  In other words, the Christian life is about meeting a person – Jesus - rather than just finding answers to theological questions… not just an intellectual pursuit.

God is not a mystery to be solved or concept to be understood, but God is a presence to experience… experiential knowledge of the loving merciful God.

Andrew and his companion had met Jesus, and they spent the remainder of the day with him.  Jesus asked the two disciples one of the most fundamental questions of life and Jesus is also asking each one of us: “What are you looking for in life?”  In other words: “What is the goal of your life?  What kind of person do you want to become? What do you truly desire? Please continue to reflect on these questions even after Mass.

What greater desire is there than to be with the Lord, than to stay with the Lord, than to know and do the will of God.

 In the Gospel reading, the two disciples saw “where Jesus was staying” – which does not mean just His physical place, but more profoundly where Jesus is – at what state of being – His way of living, His way of acting, His way of loving, His way of hoping.

Jesus is addressing each of us today in as personal a way as he addressed the two disciples.

Admittedly - To follow Christ or to be a disciple of Christ is something we know as not easy.  Even the apostles found it difficult to understand the mystery of Christ – they found it difficult to understand the ministry to which the Lord was calling them and that was why, at the beginning they followed Jesus – we can say “half-heartedly”. 

We are like that – we begin to follow Jesus – but when we see or experience difficulties in following him, when we find it difficult to understand and embrace and live by His teachings – Yes - we may continue to follow him - but without much devotion…just half-heartedly… just going through the motion.

But do not give up – the good news is - you see – as the apostles continued to live with Jesus, they began to know him better and they followed him with more devotion.   Like the apostles - as we continue to live our lives in Christ; as our relationship with Christ grows deeper, as our knowledge of Christ grows more and more, we should begin to see our devotion to him grow also more and more, and, with the grace – that the Lord gives us, our spiritual life will continue to be strengthened.  And we then begin – as one popular song goes – to see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, follow Him more nearly – day by day.

So let us persevere in our faith....  although at times not knowing where God is going to take us – let us continue to trust and follow Jesus the best we can … every day, not only on Sundays …  

Having met Jesus, the first thing that Andrew wants to do is to share this experience with his brother Simon Peter.  When we discover something very important and valuable – it is just but  - natural to want to share it with those closest to us – with those we love… The greatest gift we can give to the people we love – the greatest gift we can give as inheritance to our children – is our faith - Life in Christ… But – you cannot give what you do not have.

So, the question is - do you have life in Christ?  Do you have Jesus in your life? Not only on Sundays.

At the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” It is in the here and now.

What then is your response to Jesus’ invitation: “Come and See!”?

God bless…

(2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time  -  Cycle B - January 14, 2024 - John 1:35-42)

Striving to Make Our Families Holy

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph – a model for us – as we strive to make our own families – also holy.

Holy Family.  These two words – Holy and Family – unfortunately are scorned in our society today. 

When people hear the word Holy - people think - too traditional – too serious – such a kill joy to be holy… and it is so unfortunate because people do not realize that true lasting joy, peace and happiness, fullness of life can be found in a holy life, God-centered life.

And - the word Family – this word is being re-defined now in our society and it now means all kinds of living arrangements or non-traditional families people get into…  They are re-defining marriage… anything goes… nowadays.  Families have been and continue to be greatly challenged and threatened from all fronts.  

And yet - we still cannot deny that families are a treasure all of us must value and protect and it is a great challenge for all of us to nurture this treasure that God has given us… because our families are God’s gift to us.

The heart of our parish is not this church. The heart of the universal church is not the Vatican 

Second Vatical Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church states – “the heart of the church is the family” … referring to the family as the “domestic church” - the fundamental building block of the world – the foundation and hope of our society. 

As Saint Pope John Paul II said: “As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live.”

Pope Francis and Cardinal Luis Tagle both mentioned that we should pay attention to our youth, the young people. And the family is still the single most significant influence to the youth.

The quality of our youth reflects to us the state and quality of our society. The state of the youth reflects to us what is happening in the family.

That is why it is so disturbing to hear and watch in the news cases of teen suicides and crimes being committed by the youth.

This raises the question for all Christian parents as to how to provide a family environment that makes it possible for our children to grow in faith and to grow in wisdom, to seek the will of God for their lives and to learn how to truly love? And the answer, of course, is to follow the example of the Holy Family… our model for Christian living and family life.

But - You might think: “Jesus is God, Mary was born without original sin, and Joseph had to be a saint to be able to deal with everything that happened. How can we possibly be like them?”

We forget that the three of them, including Jesus, were just as human as we are. Theirs was a real family who experienced many of the same challenges each of us experience. At the beginning of their family life, there was talk of divorce when Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant already even before they lived together.   Joseph must have felt so terrible when he had to bring his wife to a stable to give birth to their child.   After Jesus’ birth, they had to escape from Herod’s murderous intention, so they lived in a foreign country, Egypt, away from family.

When Jesus was twelve, His parents searched for him everywhere for three days.  You see, just like any family – they had their share of struggles and occasional tensions and misunderstandings.

Still, the Holy Family made it through the difficulties of their family life – How? - They had great faith and obedience to God’s will. God was at the center of their family life… that is the key… God-centered life.

What makes them holy - Jesus, Mary and Joseph – loved each other – out of obedience to God the Father… they all – individually and as a family - trusted the Heavenly Father – They placed their love for each other – love for their neighbors – within the wider, broader and deeper context of their love for God the Father… simply stated – they loved and cared for each other for the love of God the Father.

We need families like Joseph’s and Mary's -- grounded in faith, sustained by love, nourished by tradition.

Kind of paraphrasing 1st and 2nd readings: Husbands, you're called to serve your wives. Wives, you're called to serve your husbands.  Children, you're called to serve your parents.  Parents, you're called to serve your children… Jesus said "I came not to be served but to serve."   

As Christians, we are all called to serve. The first place we have to serve in - is at home. So, the question is: Are you in your family to serve or are you in your family to be served? Your answer makes a whole world of difference.

Holy families do not just happen. They are something we all consciously create – that every member of the family create – by working together and persevering – even in tough times.

This last Sunday of the calendar year – as we prepare to face the New Year – it is a wonderful time to celebrate the feast of the Holy Family…an ideal time to ask ourselves: How is my own family doing?  Is there peace at home?  Is there understanding and respect? Is there forgiveness? Is there Love? And very important: Do we place God above all? 

Our world desperately needs families - well-formed families whose children can grow and go on to form new, also well-formed, families… Again, the family is foundation and the hope of our society...

Side note: I would like to take this opportunity to extend invitation to couples, living together – and there are those who have children already - but not married, to consider getting married in the Church and to those who are married only civilly, we invite you to have your marriage blessed by the Church… convalidated. Take this as an invitation.

Let us help you to get to the point where you stand at the foot of the altar, as a couple before God and before His Church, and enter into NOT just a marriage contract but enter into covenant relationship with one another and as a couple, as one, enter into covenant relationship with God… believing that it was God that brought the two of you together as a gift to one another.

Couples: Do you believe or think that your spouse or partner is God’s gift to you? That makes a whole world of difference.

Getting married in the Church, inviting Christ to your wedding – so to speak - is a great way to start a family – a holy family.

(End of my side note)

God Almighty, who created us in love, chose to come to us in a family setting. It was in this family setting that Jesus first experienced the presence of God. It was within family that Jesus first knew the joy of being loved. It was in the family setting that Jesus learned His first lessons on how to love.

We heard in the Gospel: “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom…” within a family setting.  It is within family life that the new generation first receive the precious gift of faith… making the family vital to the mission of the church and the most fundamental institution in the world.

But parents – remember - you cannot give or pass on or share with your children what you do not have. So, parents, how is your own faith?  How is your own personal relationship with God? How real is God to you?

One last point - One of the worst things you can do and say to your family is how they are compared with other families.

It is NOT JUST, it is NOT WISE – It is WRONG. Yet, many of us think or say something like this: “I am OK compared to that guy …I am not such a bad parent compared to others… so – I am OK -  or my family is OK compared to that family” …. Or  "I wish my children were like theirs.  I wish my husband was like her husband or I wish my wife was like his wife.  I wish my parents were like my friend’s parents. " And so we use others as our standard.

But you see - every family is a unique relationship of unique individuals…. No two families are the same… and, every family has challenges which neighbors usually do not see.  We do not really know everything that happens inside other people’s homes… once they close their doors.  Perception is not always reality.

If we want to compare ourselves – our family -  as individuals and as a family – again, let us look at the Holy Family. The Gospel was born into the family. 

The Word became flesh in the family; and through our families, let the Gospel be proclaimed.

May the peace and joy of Christ and His Holy Family be with all our families and our loved ones today and throughout the New Year and always.

Amen.  God bless…

Rejoice Always!

Today is “Gaudete Sunday.” Gaudete is Latin for “Rejoice.” – that is why the color of our vestments is Rose – which symbolizes JOY. In today’s second reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians: “Rejoice always” … meaning – rejoicing at ALL times and in ALL circumstances…not only when things are going well with us.

But- How can one rejoice when one is sick, when one just lost a job or when one just lost a loved one especially in this coming Christmas?

How could St. Paul say “Rejoice Always”? Always? Yes - You see – St. Paul is not naïve. He is not just a positive thinking guru.  St. Paul was actually shipwrecked, scourged, criticized, blamed, was imprisoned and he had physical ailments.

So - How could St. Paul live a life of peace and joy in the midst of life’s challenges?  What was his secret?  The secret is being totally dependent on God… totally entrusting himself to the hands of God… trusting that God is in control…

Rejoicing always does not mean that you are always on emotional high all the time… It does not mean always feeling like we’re going to a party …but it means there is peace beyond understanding that abides even through the worst of life – because - Christ is in our lives… Emmanuel.

The coming of Jesus – the Incarnation of God – which we celebrate at Christmas - changed everything.  Jesus’ victory over sin and death is so powerful – so complete – that NO negativity, no terrible life experience nor sickness, etc. can overcome what Jesus has accomplished through His dying and rising.

In St. Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:38-39:

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.…”

Therefore, there is always ground for hope and there is always cause for joy; and on that basis; Indeed! We can rejoice always… IN THE LORD! That is the key. Rejoice always! … in the Lord.

St. Paul wrote to the Philippians: “…For I have learned to be content with whatever I have… in any and all circumstances… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:11-13)

Of course, admittedly - all of these are much easier said than done.

 It is hard for us to live a life of rejoicing always.  Of course, on our own – we cannot follow this command to rejoice always - but – by the grace of God - the One who calls us to this joyful life is faithful and He will do it in our lives…  He will accomplish it as we heard in the reading.

 There is a difference between faith and trust.  You see - Faith is believing that God CAN bring good out of bad things or bad situations in life… believing that God CAN save us.

Trust is believing that God WILL ACTUALLY do it.

So, rejoice in the Lord always because God’s love is unconditional and unchanging and true.

Meaning – in contrast - our inner peace and joy must not be dependent upon other people… even our loved ones.  For example, we believe people CAN do good things for us but the question is – will they actually do it? At times, even our most trusted friend or family member disappoint us.

Our peace and joy must not be dependent on things we possess; must not be dependent on the circumstances of life.  Our hope, peace and joy must be anchored on something more stable than the shifting sands of life’s fortunes; they must be anchored or grounded on God Himself… again, whose love is unconditional and unchanging and true.

It means being in constant awareness of the loving presence of God.  As we heard in the reading, giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” – as St. Paul said (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

As has been said: “It is not being joyful that makes us grateful. It is gratitude; it is being thankful that makes us joyful.” Grateful people are joyful people.

Reality check, we know that life on earth is not always rosy, so to speak. So - Instead of yearning for a problem-free life, rejoice that troubles can actually highlight our awareness of God’s presence and the providence of God.

In the darkness of adversities, we actually can see more clearly the radiance of God’s face and His presence… that is the paradox of Christian life.

As Christians, we believe that there is life after death and life after death is bliss – perfect happiness, perfect joy. Our hope is not in this life only. That is why we are able to rejoice in good times and in bad.

St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians (1 Cor.15:19): “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are the most pitiable of all people.” … but we are not because we believe in the Resurrection.

So – let us accept the value of problems in this life.

Remember – the Good News is that we have an eternity of trouble-free living awaiting us in heaven. What a joyful hope!

As humans we have a material and a spiritual life. Unfortunately - some of us pay all attention to the material, neglecting the spiritual dimension. You can see it in the way people prepare for Christmas.  They take more care to decorate their homes more than they do to clean up their souls.  People are more concerned with the gifts to give to family and friends than the gift of self we should give to God.

Advent is a time to prepare not only materially but also spiritually for the coming of the Lord: his coming to us sacramentally at Christmas, his coming to us individually at our personal death - at the end of our lives, and his coming to us collectively at the end of time – His Second Coming -  and His coming to our lives every day.

The truth is:  Christ - Whom we are waiting for is already here in our midst… As we heard from the Gospel reading: “There is one among you whom you do not recognize.”

Let me lead you in a simple spiritual exercise:

My brothers and sisters in Christ – Now - look at the people next to you – go ahead - what or who do you see?  Look!  Look at them in the eyes… make eye-to-eye contact.

Would it not be awesome if we can all say: “I see Jesus, I see Jesus, I see Jesus…..”  Now - Tell the people next to you: “I see Jesus.”  Go ahead….

Now, you have to treat them and deal with them accordingly.

Just as we heard in the Gospel reading for the Feast of Christ the King on final judgment, Jesus said : “Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Just imagine what our community here will be like if each one of us has this kind of awareness …being truly aware that Christ is living in our midst and everyone has this kind of humble and respectful attitude towards one another.  Christ ministering to Christ.  Would it not be awesome?

And – what is also important is Not only seeing Jesus in others but also seeing Jesus in ourselves. Christ means “the anointed” - and by virtue of our baptism in Christ – we ourselves are also “the anointed ones” – and so we can also say the same words of the Prophet Isaiah – as we heard in our first reading (Is 61:1-2a, 10-11) – which Jesus Himself proclaimed also at the beginning of His ministry:

“The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,

because the LORD has anointed me;

he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor,

to heal the brokenhearted,

to proclaim liberty to the captives

and release to the prisoners.”

My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is our marching order… the purpose of our lives.

We are all Temples of the Holy Spirit. We are the Body of Christ.

As St. Teresa of Avila said it beautifully: “Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

We are all called to be other Christs in the world.

Like Mary, we are all called to give birth to Christ in our lives.

God continues His saving work in the world through us.

As St. John wrote in his Gospel: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”.  And so - Rejoice!  Rejoice!… God is with us in joy and in sorrow, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. God is with us. God is in us. … Emmanuel.


God bless…


“Wake Up, Keep Watch; Stay Awake”

 Happy New Year!  Today - the Church begins a new liturgical year… and we enter into Advent Season, a time of waiting, longing and hoping…

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to be alert, to be watchful; to stay awake, so to speak.

During these weeks of Advent – we are called to spend more time taking account of our lives, examining our conscience….

In this homily, I will ask several questions and I encourage you to continue reflecting on them during Advent and even beyond Advent… and what they mean to you.

So - what kind of a year have you had?  Take a look back at the last 12 months... What stands out in your experiences?

What is Jesus most wanting you to notice about the year that has gone?  Is there something Jesus wants you to ‘wake up’ to? Or wake up from?

Jesus does not want us to sleepwalk, so to speak, through our lives.  He wants us to be attentive to - what is going on - around us and more importantly – within us.

The late Father Anthony DeMello, a Jesuit priest said: Most people, even though they do not know it, are asleep. They're born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they raise children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up – Meaning - People live and die never understanding, the reality, the loveliness and the beauty of living… what life is.

  • Meaning - They live and die without really truly loving, without tasting deeply the real joy of living because they are so pre-occupied, so consumed by the busyness and pressures of ordinary life, consumed with eating and drinking, buying and selling… going after worldly concerns and pleasures.

So, people need to wake up, to open their eyes, to see what is real, both inside and outside of themselves…

Being alert, to be awake, to be vigilant in the biblical sense is not a matter of living in fear of the end of the world or fear of death. Rather it is a question of having love and reconciliation as our chief concerns, being grateful at all times, appreciating, affirming, forgiving, apologizing, and being more mindful of the joys of living in human community and being aware that we live within the sure embrace of our loving God.

So - What would you like to say to God about the year that has passed? …

We have another new beginning.  Over the next 12 months, what do you need to be more awake to? What do you need - to do more of, -  or less of?

What is it that you think about the most each day?  To what are you most attentive and watchful?

The Church has designated these weeks of Advent to remind us that our entire lives must be an ongoing watching for ways and opportunities that we can grow more spiritual, and less worldly, less materialistic - for us to grow closer to God… so that God will be our daily guide and focus in all things.

We are called to spend more time in prayer and sacrifice and to confess our sins to prepare for Christmas just like during Lent to prepare for Easter.

The question is:  Are you a better person – better yet – are you a better Christian now than you were a year ago?

The season of Advent is not just to prepare for Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of Christ – His first coming… AND when we speak of the second coming of Christ – it does not necessarily mean only the end of human history, it could also mean for us the end of our own individual lives – our own personal death;

Reality check - we are all going to die someday – sooner or later. We are just passing through. Our true home is in heaven. It’s a great time to ask some tough questions. Questions like, “Am I ready to die anytime?” and “Where will I go when my life is over?”

We need to be awake spiritually. The end of the world should NOT concern us, nor should we worry excessively about when we will die. What we should worry about is in what state our dying will find us.

 the coming of Christ in our lives could also mean - His becoming present - in our daily lives… Emmanuel meaning “God is with us”.

We say - “we wait for Jesus’ final coming to judge the living and the dead”. We speak of “Christ’s coming into our daily lives” – but, if you really think about it, actually - it is Christ who is always present and always waiting for us to open our hearts and for us to let Him come into our lives… every day.

As Christians, we believe that without Christ in our lives, our lives become a chaos, a mess. Without the Lord - away from God’s path, away from God’s ways – we are like the people mentioned in the first reading from Isaiah…they wandered aimlessly. They got themselves into all sorts of trouble…because possessions, selfishness, arrogance, worldly concerns and pride all dominated their lives and destroyed them.

Throughout Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament – one thing is clear – that people - if left to their own devices – if left to exercise their free choice - people can easily become self-destructive. This applies to all people of all ages, including us… Our society is no different… which is becoming more and more atheistic.

In our society – people are demanding their rights to do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do…without regard to other people’s rights. People say: “my choice, my body, my life, my family, my marriage, my home, my way”. As the great St. Pope John Paul II warned:  Freedom must be guided by moral truth.  Freedom must be grounded on moral law which is grounded on Divine Law because freedom outside of moral law leads to self-destruction.

 We need the Lord in our lives to guide us... Jesus said: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.”   We need God to be in our lives… Otherwise – we wander from God’s ways…therefore, we will make a mess of our lives… and we lose our capacity to love which is the very purpose of our lives because we were created in the image of God who is Love.

But - with the Lord, even in the midst of our most difficult struggles in life – and a lot of people are struggling nowadays – but with the Lord - we find peace and hope and joy and continue to grow in love… regardless of the circumstance we might find ourselves in.

 advent calls us to realize and acknowledge how much we need a Savior…

… to realize we cannot make it on our own.   We need Jesus to save us.  

The name Jesus in Hebrew means: “God saves”…  We need Jesus in our lives.

And so - We long for His presence in our lives.   That is Advent.

 Jesus calls us to stay awake and to be alert. And so - Jesus is waking us up - so we do not miss out on the real depth and joy of life - that is happening all around us.  Jesus said: “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full…”  (John 10:10)  - meaning – for us to have fullness of life! – lasting joy, peace and happiness which the world cannot give.

 Jesus calls us not just to “get through” life; but to plunge into life…. Not just to “get over” failures; but to learn from our failures… Not just to endure challenges; but to face and embrace them… because if we do – our lives will be much richer and that is the paradox.  This is the active waiting Jesus calls us - to prevent us - from aimless wandering and to prevent us from having meaningless lives.

Whatever this coming year will bring us, all will be well, all will be wonderful, exciting, beautiful and full of love, as long as our hope is in the Lord.

AND - If our hope is in the Lord, we will be ready when He comes however and whenever that might be.

God bless…

What You Do With What You Have

Turn to the person next to you and take turns telling each other: “You will be a saint”… Go ahead and tell each other (WAIT for people to finish)…

How does it feel to be told that you are going to be a saint? For some – you may have felt glad - but for others – it might be quite an uncomfortable thought and feeling and so you might have thought “Me, a Saint?” - but that is our calling – to be a saint.

Being a saint is the ordinary goal of the Christian life. French Catholic novelist Leon Bloy said: "The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint."In other words: The only real sadness is not to be the person God wants us to be.  To be a saint... to be holy is to fulfill the will of God… for our lives…

If you really think about it - Only perfect people – only saints can go to heaven… For most of us – when we die- we will not be perfect – and so we will not go straight to heaven - but God loves us so much – we will be purified in Purgatory to prepare us for heaven…our true home… so we can see God face to face…

As we reach the end of the liturgical year - in fact, we will celebrate the Feast of our Lord Jesus Christ the King next Sunday - the readings today and during the past few weeks remind us of the end of our earthly lives - be it the end of the world, the final coming of Christ or our own individual death - when we will be judged as to what we have done with our lives - what we have done with what God has given us.

The Gospel reminds us that God entrusts each of us with his gifts and grace and he gives each of us a particular work – unique for each of us … in our section of the world – in our particular times – and so we are responsible to God for what He has given us.  So, what is your unique mission in life?

Admittedly - we all do not have the same “talents” – so to speak… we were not given the same gifts and we were not given the same amount of gifts… but it does not mean God has favoritism. He loves us all equally.

Yes - some people have a lot more ability than others. Some people have been given a lot more opportunity than others. Some have more physical beauty than others…Some people have a lot more money than others. All of us would probably like to have more than what we have. But, the important question is this: What are we doing with what we have, be it much or be it little?

And that is how our Lord will judge you and me… based not simply on what we accomplished, but we will be judged based on what we accomplished with what we had or had been given… again, be it much or be it little.

To those who are rich or powerful or those who have more abilities or more beautiful physical attributes or given more opportunities than others – including spiritual gifts - Before you feel so proud or before you look down on others – Remember this: “Much more has been given to you, much more is expected of you…”

Stewardship is not only in terms of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is also about sharing our faith which is also a gift from God entrusted to us… for us to share our faith.

With all the violence and all kinds of crises in the world – plus also our own personal and family problems - Is there hope for the future – Is there hope for humanity? And what will this future be like? The late Pope Benedict XVI addressed this question and he said: “Christ is our future….. only in Christ can humanity find redemption and hope.”

It means - it is urgent that we proclaim the promise of life in Christ Jesus, Who is our Hope.

The greatest gift we can give our children - our loved ones and others - is a Life in Christ… so that with a personal relationship with Christ – others will also see and value things in this world in right perspective…what really matters…

… what life is all about…and therefore that they will also find joy, peace and hope… regardless of the circumstances they may find themselves in.

Saint Mother Teresa said: “Jesus said: I am the truth.”  And it is your duty and mine to speak the truth.  Then it is up to the person who hears it whether to accept or reject it.” … In other words: We have the obligation to speak the Truth but we do not have to convince anyone… We just have to do our part.

People are so uncomfortable sharing their faith because they are worried that they will fail. Admittedly - we know - that often - people do not accept the gospel truth and values… but we should not feel that we have failed when people do not accept the gospel values, because – actually - it is only through God's grace, only by the power of the Holy Spirit – and NOT through our own efforts, that someone may convert and be saved… BUT, we are called to do our part and cooperate with the grace of God; we are called to participate in the saving mission of Christ…

St Mother Teresa said: We are called not to be successful but we are called to be faithful… - even by just simply sharing our faith and giving someone - something to think about - (planting a seed, so to speak), we may help change the course of their lives – and to bring them one step closer to knowing the living God.

We do not have to talk about doctrines.  We do not need to be theologians. We do not have to re-tell the entire story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

The perfect strategy can be summed up in two simple words: “Be yourself”. It means simply talk about your own experiences of God’s love… how good the Lord has been to you. Talk about how having Christ in your life made a difference in your way of life… as a source of true happiness, peace, joy and hope and courage and strength. For example, you can share an insight you received in prayer or at Mass. Talk about an answered prayer or an unexpected little miracle.

The Gospel speaks about investing our talents – investing our faith –There is this principle – that our faith grows in the measure we share it…. the more we share our faith – the deeper and stronger our faith becomes.  Just as money will not grow if not invested, if it is not risked. Similarly, in the very act of sharing, our own faith grows stronger.

Yes, it is not easy to share our Christian faith in our secular and even atheistic society and times we live in. It is dangerous… a “risky business”… to share our faith.

Our faith is under constant attack from a lot of different angles… including social media. For many of us, we find ourselves defending our faith…Our society tells us to keep our faith to ourselves… to keep it private… But our Holy Father, the Pope, said: “Any tendency to treat religion – our faith - as a private matter must be resisted.”

If we keep our faith to ourselves, we will lose it…as the Gospel says: “For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

Life is not made for hoarding- accumulating treasures or wealth or knowledge or abilities just to benefit ourselves….to “get” the most out of life… Life is not for us to be just comfortable… Everything is by the grace of God and everything God has given to you and me is intended to be shared… to love people…. to be invested in people.

In Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation  – The Joy of the Gospel – Evangelii Gaudium -  In response to the question - - Why do Catholics NOT share their faith and therefore why do Catholics NOT lead others to Christ? -  The Pope says:  because Catholics lack joy: because if we have joy, then no one needs to tell us to share and spread the faith, as we will do so naturally and spontaneously, the same way that we share anything that we are passionate about.

So, the question is: Are you joyful about your faith? Are you joyful being a Christian or is it a burden for you to be a Christian?

Our lives – like the Eucharist – must be blessed, broken, poured out and shared… that is how and when we will truly be happy.

 God bless…

Fighting Against Hypocrisy

Children love Halloween because they like to pretend.  Putting on a mask and pretending is perfectly acceptable for a child; but putting on a mask and pretending is not acceptable for a follower of Jesus. God is not satisfied with people pretending that they are great followers of Christ.

 St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians (1Cor 13:11): “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; but when I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”

 We are not called to appear to be a holy people. We are called to really be a holy people… to take off our mask, so to speak, and let the glory of God and His light shine forth through us so that we can be like the Saints we are all called to be…. We are all called to be saints. Fittingly enough that we celebrated the Feast of All Saints the day after Halloween.

 In the gospel Jesus gives the example of the Pharisees. He says they wear all the holy costumes; these Pharisees went to all the important banquets so that everyone else could see them; but, they were just putting on a show. They knew how to hold their arms up in prayer. They said the proper pious platitudes. They pretended to be holy, but they were not holy.

 In the Gospel of Matthew 23:27 – Jesus addressed them: "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.”

 That is why Jesus said: “Do whatever they teach you and follow it; respect their position - but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.”

 Humility begins by seeing ourselves in the light of truth… seeing ourselves as God sees us. So, how does God see us?

 My brothers and sisters in Christ, with all due respect, if God were to look at you and me – Would He see religious people wearing a nice pious costume and saying all the proper things, but actually living an immoral life?  Would He see a mother or a father, who quickly proclaims being a Christian, but in reality is really someone who is not open to God in his or her life.

 It is important to say the right things, but it is equally important to do the right things.  It does little good for a parent to teach a child to be truthful if the child hears the parent tell a lie.  It is useless to teach a child work ethics if the parent is lazy.

 It is useless to teach the kids faithfulness to the Church if the parent does not even go to Mass regularly.  All of us must keep in mind: “People – especially the kids - would rather see a good sermon than hear one!”

 A father was giving a sermon, reprimanding his teen age son who got in trouble. At the end, the son told his father: “What you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.”

 Hopefully, you will not give your children reason to say that to you.

 Personally - What I really find helpful for me – in trying to be true to what I am called to be is when my wife, my two sons and daughters-in-laws are in the pews when I preach or give homilies... Reminding me that even if I could say all these nice eloquent words up here, what really matters is if my family can see consistency in me in what say up here when I preach and the consistency in what they experience with me at home… when I am with them in private… meaning – there is no duplicity.

 So my family will not roll their eyes…while I am giving the homily.

 Just imagine what my family would be thinking or feeling if I say all these nice words up here but if my family know that I am really a horrible person to live with at home, but only dressed in deacon’s costume … if I am not walking the talk, so to speak.  My family actually constantly reminds me to be consistent.  Of course, I fail every now and then.

 The Gospel tells us to fight against our own hypocrisy. How can we do this? For one, we cannot demand more from others than we demand from ourselves.  I cannot preach or demand that others fulfill their worship obligations if I do not fulfill mine.

 All of us have people looking up to us.  People look up to us as role models or for guidance. 

 I cannot demand that others fight against immorality if I live an immoral life. You cannot demand that others to be kind and caring, if you are mean – for example - to your in-laws you've never liked from the start of the relationship.

 If you are young, you cannot claim to be a Christian if you are nasty or disrespectful to other people especially to the elders. 

 For students, you cannot claim to be a Christian if you join those kids who bully or hurt other kids at school.  You cannot demand that others be good Christians if you destroy people's reputations by gossiping. You cannot tell people to forgive if you yourself do not forgive the person who has hurt you.

… Things to think about.

 How else can we avoid being hypocrite?  - By taking responsibility for our own lives rather than entrusting our lives to others.  

 As we heard in the Gospel, “Call no man "father" or "rabbi" or "teacher"” which means do not call anyone your master or guru, because if we have a master or guru for our lives, then we tend to NOT take responsibility for what we do because we can say that we are just following what we were told to do.  

 We call our priests “father” in that they are to be the head of our faith family in our parishes, but we should not give them the responsibility for our lives.

 We cannot be content with saying we are a follower of this or that person, be it a priest or a great inspirational or motivational speaker or whomever and let that person determine our lives. We have our intellect, our free will and the ability to set the course of our own lives. We must take responsibility for our own faith lives.  We cannot have a second-hand faith, so to speak.  We must have our own personal intimate relationship and encounter with the living God.

 We need to have our own belief and our own personal knowledge and intimate personal relationship with Christ… NO longer a second-hand faith.

 Maybe from your younger years into teenage years, you maybe were just a follower but we all need to get to the point in our lives when we can say personally: “I believe in God not because my parents told me, not because the church told me… I believe in God because I have experienced God’s goodness and mercy myself in my life.” … that is first-hand experience of the loving presence of God, the reality of God. So, how real is God to you?

 One time I was watching EWTN show entitled Journey Home and it was about a protestant pastor who converted to Catholicism.   The former protestant pastor said that his conversion to Catholic faith was actually out of obedience to Christ and not because someone convinced him – intellectually.

 Christ must be our guide in every aspect of our lives and if our lives reflect the presence of Jesus in the world, then we would really and truly be followers of Christ… actually, we are called to be more than just followers… but to really be other Christs in the world.

 St Paul said: “It is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me.” (Gal. 2:20)

 May the grace of Christ, whom we receive in the Eucharist, give us the grace, the ability to live our Christianity…to live and practice the faith we profess…

 - Because people are watching….and most important of all, because God is watching.   

God bless…

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar; Give to God what belongs to God

October is Respect Life month. While we thank God that the terrible reign of Roe vs Wade case has ended, we also recognize that abortion still continues in most states and is aggressively promoted at the federal level.

As stated by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities - this year – the Respect Life month theme is "Living Radical Solidarity".

While ending legalized abortion remains our pre-eminent priority, the most immediate way to save babies and mothers from abortion is to thoroughly surround mothers in need with life-giving support and personal accompaniment. This is radical solidarity. 

St. Pope John Paul II first defined “radical solidarity” in this way: “In firmly rejecting ‘pro-choice’ it is necessary to become courageously ‘pro woman,’ promoting a choice that is truly in favor of women. … The only honest stance, in these cases, is that of radical solidarity with the woman. It is not right to leave her alone.” 

The USCCB states that being in radical solidarity with women who are pregnant or raising children in difficult circumstances means putting our love for them into action and putting their needs before our own. Pope Francis reminds us that solidarity “refers to something more than a few occasional acts of generosity.”

This new mindset requires that we come alongside vulnerable mothers in profound friendship, compassion, and support for both them and their preborn children. It means addressing the fundamental challenges that lead an expectant mother to believe she is unable to welcome the child God has entrusted to her. 

This includes collective efforts within our dioceses, parishes, schools and local communities, engagement in the public square, and pursuit of policies that help support both women and their preborn babies.

We are the hands and feet of Christ in the world today and we each have a personal responsibility to care for one another. 

With that in mind – We reflect on the Gospel reading "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God."

Jesus’ reply makes an important point for both first-century Jews and for us today: - meaning - we can, and we should, meet both our civic and religious obligations.

So - What “belongs to Caesar”? In other words, what are our civic duties?

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “It is the duty of citizens to contribute . . . to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom” (2239). This includes a moral obligation “to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s country” (2240).

… In other words - It is for us to observe which we need to obey to ensure a civilized, peaceful and orderly society….  and in that sense - we give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

So - What belongs to God?

You see - Even as we render to Caesar, so to speak – what is legitimately his, we still need to acknowledge – that Caesar, all law - has to do with God…  Everything belongs to God.  God is the creator and He sustains the whole universe… God touches on everything in existence… and so people cannot say that certain aspects or areas of their lives do not belong to God…. The bottom line - Everything belongs to God… including Caesar… and that we are called to be stewards of God’s creation – a privilege to share in His divine life that comes with responsibility.

So - When the things of Caesar conflict with the things of God, the primary loyalty of the human heart belongs to God.  God’s laws are primary.

Peter and John when they stood before the Sanhedrin Court, they were charged with the crime of preaching in the name of Jesus, and their only defense was: “We must obey God rather than man.”  … meaning - when the decrees or laws of any government or any organization conflict with the dictates of conscience… we must obey God rather than man.

Everything is by the grace of God and everything is a free gift from God and the sin of Adam and Eve – the sin of people of today - is that instead of trusting God and submitting to God’s will,  they grabbed the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil – meaning – they grabbed, they took the prerogative that belongs to God alone - people do not want to leave it to God to decide as to what is right and what is wrong – and in modern pro-choice language – they say: “This is MY life; this is MY body”  - and I can do whatever I want -

– It is my choice whatever I want to do with my body – I decide what is right and what is wrong for me – I choose and decide when life begins (abortion) and when life must end (euthanasia).

People and the government are now even re-defining what marriage is… and people are saying – take God out of our bedroom.

People wanting to be God…  that is the root cause of the Fall of Man… the deadliest of sin - pride.

The purpose of God’s divine law, His commandments which are being taught/proclaimed by the Church are not to restrict or limit our freedom but to lead us to true freedom – ultimate freedom – sharing in God’s divine life – for us to be what we were created to be and meant to be … which leads to true lasting joy and peace within our hearts no matter what circumstances we might find ourselves in.

A simple analogy is a train.  A train is made to run on its track (like the laws and the commandments of God; they are like tracks) and the train will never be more free than when it is on its track.  Take the train off the tracks – yes – it will still move forward and it might be free to go in all directions – but it will not be truly free – because it will never reach its destination… where it is intended to be.

God is the giver of life.  Human life is a spiritual, moral issue, and when the laws of men are immoral, when they are attacking the laws of God and the sacredness and dignity of human life, then Godly men and women, the People of God should speak out and even protest…

The Church is therefore not venturing too far into politics, not venturing/not meddling in medical profession – in our bedrooms - because they are not areas of our lives absolutely separate from the practice of our faith.

Let us keep in mind the encouraging words of the Holy Father: “Any tendency to treat faith or religion as a private matter must be resisted. Only when their faith permeates every aspect of our lives, do Christians become truly open to the transforming power of the Gospel.”

As we share our faith more publicly, we will be opposed.  Jesus said: “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” 

We all have the same right as anyone else  ... we can express our opinions in private and in public.  We have the same rights as those who oppose God’s teachings but, so often, we are afraid to express His truths for fear that we will be ridiculed or for fear of the consequences.  Jesus says it very plainly .... stand up and demand that God be given what is His! Give to God what belongs to God!

If the apostles and the many men and women before us suffered trying to spread the word of God, we too in the words of St. Paul must bear our share of hardship for the sake of the Gospel.

We were created in God’s image - in his own likeness (Genesis 1:26-27).  Therefore - We rightfully belong, not to ourselves, but to God who created us and redeemed us through our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Cor. 6:19-20).  St. Paul said that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1). 

We should find courage and strength in what Jesus said (at the conclusion of Matthew‘s gospel): "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me . . . make disciples of all nations. . . . and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age" (Mt 28: 18-20).

Jesus said: “In this world, you will have troubles; but do not be afraid, I have overcome the world.”

We are all called to be faithful citizens and we have dual citizenship – so to speak – we are citizens of this nation and more importantly – ultimately - we are citizens of heaven… our true home.

God's Invitation

Today’s Gospel continues the theme of the parables we heard these past few weeks. There is again God’s invitation and people’s refusal to respond. 

Grace is getting what we do not deserve. Mercy is not getting the punishment we deserve. That is how God loves us. All is grace. Everything is free. We have already been saved in Christ Jesus. We cannot earn our way to heaven… and the only proper response to God’s grace and love is faith – entering into a personal relationship of love and trust with Him. 

God continues to invite us.   He does not force us.  He respects our freedom. He knocks into our hearts.  We can ignore or refuse that love.  But God is always there, inviting us to share in his joy and his divine life.

It is important to note that Jesus compares the joy of responding to God’s love in faith - to enjoying a banquet – a wedding feast - a party filled with warm laughter, rich food, choice wine as described by Isaiah in our first reading.

For our reflection - I would like to focus – not on those who did not respond but on those who responded and came – referring to us who are here.

We heard in the Gospel: “And when the king came to see the guests, he saw a man not dressed in wedding garment… and he was thrown out of the house.”  That seems strange and unfair.  He responded but somehow he was treated like that just because he was not dressed properly – literally.

Well - It means that we cannot only say that we believe in God. Even the devil believes in God but he just does not obey. We cannot only say we love God and that we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior ... we have to prove it by the way we live.  We must dress appropriately – so to speak - meaning we need to clothe ourselves with righteousness – filling our minds with good things – and practicing and living our faith.

You are here because you believe - but  - Are your hearts and minds really here? Do you really rejoice in your faith? Or is being a Christian a burden for you? Is coming to mass every Sunday a pure obligation – something to meet and fulfill and after that you are done. Being a Christian, having faith in Christ means more than good behavior and securing a place in heaven later on when we die...  A true Christian life means joyous living – in the here and now – regardless of the circumstances we might find ourselves in - even in the midst of pains and troubles in this life – living a life that is rich and deep and full of peace, experiencing peace which Paul describes as "the peace which surpasses all understanding"…


In our second reading (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20):   St. Paul found consolations in his faith in the worst of times and the best of times.  St. Paul found strength in Christ in every situation. 


(Philippians, Chapter 4:11) St. Paul said, "…Whatever situation I find myself in I have learned to be content…I have learned to cope with every circumstance .” Paul experienced weakness in his life – (2 Corinthians 12:10) – being shipwrecked - being beaten many times…being imprisoned for the sake of the Gospel.


2 Cor –12:10, "Therefore, I am content with weakness, with mistreatment, with distress, with persecution and difficulties for the sake of Christ." Here's the key: "For when I am powerless, it is then that I am strong." As we heard in the second reading: “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.”  Can you truly honestly say that for yourself?

He's talking about his experience, his glorious experience of God ‘s presence and the reality of God’ power in his life.  Philippians 4:4. - "Rejoice in the Lord, always. I say it again. Rejoice." – It means that even when we're confronted with bad news, with our own weaknesses, with misfortunes; Paul says, "Rejoice! Be content!" Why? Again - Because when we're powerless, God is strong within us.  God is not out there. God is within us.


In other words – when we respond to God in faith – if we are in personal communion loving relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ - we will discover for ourselves the joy of the Christian life, a life that has richness to it, a life that shines and gives comfort and joy also to others, much in the same way a wedding feast gives to everyone – that feeling of blessedness of life – even in the midst of pain and struggles in life.


… And that is how and why - one will not be able to help it - but proclaim and share the Good News of God’s love in Christ with others so they, too, can experience the fullness of life as beloved sons and daughters of God…. Meaning God’s grace, and joy and peace and hope and love flowing through us… not just for our sake but for the sake of others… for the love of God and for the love of our neighbor.

In Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation  – The Joy of the Gospel – Evangelii Gaudium -  In response to the question - - Why do Catholics NOT share their faith and therefore NOT lead others to Christ? -  The Pope says:  because Catholics lack joy: because if we have joy, then no one needs to tell us to share and spread the faith, as we will do so naturally and spontaneously, the same way that we share anything that we are passionate about.

So, are you joyful about your faith?

Pope Francis said and I quote: “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting Him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord”.

The Pope continues: I quote: “How good it feels to come back to the Lord whenev­er we are lost! Let me say this once more: God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking His mercy. Time and time again He bears us on His shoulders. No one can strip us of the dignity bestowed upon us by this boundless and unfailing love.”

“Let us not flee from the resurrection of Jesus, let us never give up, come what will. May nothing inspire us more than His life, which impels us onwards!”

It is so beautiful - in the Gospel acclamation before we read the Gospel – about hope - this is the source of our hope – the love of God – which bring us joy, peace and courage to face whatever life may bring us.

My brothers and sisters in Christ:  As we prepare ourselves to come to the banquet feast table of the Lord, let us pray that we are truly appropriately clothed – so to speak - worthily to receive and partake of the Lamb of God….  With truly grateful, joyful and hopeful hearts.  Amen.

When Life Is Not Fair

In the kingdom of God, there is family, there is community – not just a society or group of individuals. In a society – there is this “we-and-them”, there is rivalry - survival of the fittest. But, in a family, there is only “all of us - we – us” - and NO them. There is the spirit of cooperation rather than competition.

In the Gospel parable, the workers in the vineyard complained because they saw each other not as family members but as rivals, as competitors. If the latecomers in the vineyard were seen as family members of the early workers, the early workers would have rejoiced with them at their good fortune rather than grumbling. There is one popular “oldies” song that goes: “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.”\

We need to expand our concept of family beyond our blood relatives - because we are all members of the same Body of Christ, of one Spirit, with one heavenly Father… who is so generous … who loves us - who sees all of us as His sons and daughters… and so we are brothers and sisters.

Whether we convert at the end of our lives after living sinful lives or whether we have spent our whole lives serving the will of God, the bottom line is - all is a gift, In the end, all is grace. Everything is by the grace of God.

You see - The Gospel parable is really about God’s generosity, His grace, His goodness and mercy and His invitation to us into a more intimate relationship and that is what we call faith – relationship with God – the only proper response to God’s grace…. The parable is not so much about fairness- but about relationship.

 This parable is not just revealing to us information about God but it also shines light, reveals to us certain darkness in us that resists God or it reveals to us our misunderstanding of how God works.

From our first reading, the Lord says and I am paraphrasing: “My thoughts, my ways are infinitely above your thoughts, above your ways.”

The problem is we often get caught up on issues of fairness – comparing ourselves with others, with one another.

We often feel discontented - because we often compare our lives with those who are doing better, with those who have more or seem to be treated better than we are in life. You see - there will always be someone richer, more talented, or luckier, so to speak.

So, when it seems life is unfair - we need to take a fresh look at the good things in our lives – the things we often take for granted. When we “feel cheated in life”, let us just think of those with less – the less fortunate - and not those with more.

The workers in the parable did not feel they were mistreated when they were hired - first. It is only when the owner extended his generosity to the workers hired late in the day. You see - We usually do not have problems with people’s generosity, with God’s generosity to us - when we are the ones receiving it – when others are envious of us - because we feel special.

All of us are like the workers in the parable who were hired later in the day… and so, we can say that we are all “latecomers.”

If we want to compare ourselves with others – let us compare ourselves with the saints who are as ordinary people as we are. Compared to the countless martyrs and saints who served God faithfully and who gave up their lives for the sake of the Gospel, serving others, how do you think we are - compared to them? - But God is equally generous and compassionate with the saints as He is with us. He offers us His divine life, He loves us, as much as He loves the saints and sinners alike – No Less…

So, when we feel cheated in life, treated unfairly; when it seems life is so unfair – when bad things happen even to good people and when the bad people seem to be the ones enjoying life and the ones prospering – we need to continue to trust God – His goodness, that He is just…that God is fair and He is in control….even when things do not make any sense and even when we cannot understand.

As it has been said: “Life is not fair; but God is good!”

In the grand scheme of things, we can see only a very tiny portion of the big picture… of God’s plan…

We need to be in a relationship of love and trust with our God instead of on the basis of “What is in it for me, Lord?

Here’s the big question for all of us: Why do we follow Jesus, why do we obey his teachings? Why do we obey the Ten Commandments? Why are we here – why do we come to Mass?

– Is it because we want to go to heaven – and because we are afraid to go to hell?

Do we follow Jesus so He will bless us? … so that he'll make our family happy? So that bad things will not happen to us? Do we pray the rosary or the novenas or go to pilgrimages or first Fridays because of the promises - that no misfortune will come to us… that we will receive all the “indulgences”.

I am not saying those are bad motivations. But we are invited to go beyond those motives. Because – in a way we can say – with all due respect – those motives are basically the same as saying: “What is in it for me, Lord, if I do all those things?

Again, everything is by the grace of God. We cannot earn our way to heaven.When we go to confession – one of the versions of the Act of Contrition – we say: “I detest all my sins because I fear the loss of heaven and the pains of hell – and here’s the most important part - but most of all - because I offended thee my God who are all good and deserving of all my love…”… out of love…relationship of love…. that we are afraid to offend God.

All of the parables that Jesus told - always have - as the core purpose - to teach us something about our relationship with God.From that perspective - we can understand Paul’s letter to Philippians (1:21) – we heard from our second reading. Paul is not focusing on himself but on his relationship with Christ – with God.

Basically - St. Paul was saying and I am paraphrasing: "For me life means Christ. Even if I die, it doesn't matter. If I live – thanks be to God! - there' so much more I want to give. If I die - thanks be to God! – that means I will be with God! If I live, I can continue to bring others to God. I am not going to live for what I can get out of life.”

 That is how he found contentment in whatever circumstances he found himself in – even in prison… where he wrote this letter of encouragement.

… and so – for us - What happens now if after doing all our devotions – faithfully coming to Mass on Sundays or even on weekdays. God forbid – what if bad things would happen to us? – What happens when we feel cheated by life? Unfortunately, that is when people lose faith and they begin to doubt. They no longer see God as good but unfair. God does not seem to be real anymore.

Salvation is really when following Christ is no longer about us – no longer about ME, MY, OURS… Salvation is about Jesus and our love for our neighbor and the life that we give – the life that we share…

Mark Twain said: The two most important days in our lives are: First, the day we were born. Secondly, is the day when we find out or discover or realize why… why we were born.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us examine our reasons why we do what we do, why we follow Christ. Let us be honest with ourselves.

Let us continue to pray for the Lord to purify our intentions, to increase our love for God for who God is and our love for our neighbors and desire that God would also generously bestow His infinite grace and mercy upon everyone who turns to Him in repentance.

Let us pray that we may serve God and our neighbors - with joyful, grateful and generous hearts, not looking for how much we can get - but rather looking for how much more we can give, how deep we can love.

At the end of our lives, that is all we can take with us – how much we have given of ourselves – how much we have loved; we can take only what we carry in our hearts….

God bless…

On Forgiveness and Love

We live in a world where human failure is a fact of life, and some of those failures are uncorrectable.

Try to imagine what this world would be without a working, functioning principle of forgiveness. 

The fact is - None of us can live or none of us can do anything with another person for very long without it becoming necessary for one of us to forgive the other.  We all make mistakes.  And sometimes we are even deliberately unfair or maliciously unkind to others. At that point - forgiveness becomes an absolute necessity.

Think about these: How could a married couple make a success of marriage without a willingness to forgive and be forgiven? It would be impossible. How could two people build a friendship and sustain it across the years without a working principle of forgiveness. That would be impossible.

How could a father and mother raise children and keep family together - without constant use of forgiveness.  The answer is simple and absolute – they could not. All human relationships would be virtually impossible without forgiveness… without the healing touch of forgiveness.

Here is the greatest irony of all: We cannot even live with ourselves unless we are willing to forgive our own sins and weaknesses. All of us have made uncorrectable mistakes. We have said and done things we are not proud of. We cannot unsay or undo them. We cannot entirely forget them. The only thing we can do is forgive them, and that is not easy but it is absolutely necessary.

None of us can ever be a whole and healthy person until we have learned to forgive ourselves.

All of us are sinners, even the ones we perceive to be saintly people. That leaves God two choices: God can either destroy us or he can redeem us.

Human nature being what human nature is, fallen and broken - if God is going to work with us and relate to us, God must preserve the principle of pardon or forgiveness. 

Not that God owes it to you or to me or to anyone. It is just that there is no other way for God to relate to us and work with us… except with mercy. Grace is getting what we do not deserve; all is grace; everything is by the grace of God. Mercy is not getting the punishment we deserve. That is how God relates to us.

In other words - What else could the Lord do with human iniquity besides pardoning it?

We are all sinners, enslaved by sin and we cannot redeem ourselves and so we need a Savior.  So, God has stepped in and wiped the slate clean in Christ Jesus.  He has forgiven us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. (Romans 8:39)

 Now, in turn – we are all called to do for one another what God has done and continues to do for us.  Just as we have been forgiven, so must we forgive. And we will never get through with that. We will always need forgiving, and we will always need to forgive.  Forgiveness is a fact of life and it is absolutely necessary.

As we heard in the Gospel acclamation: (2 Cor 5:19)

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

Why should we forgive at all? To mention just two very definite answers to that question.

First, we should forgive because we need forgiveness ourselves. As we pray in the Our Father as the Lord has taught us – Jesus included “forgive us as we forgive those who sinned against us…” or “trespassed against us”.

As much as we have been forgiven in the past and as much as we will need forgiveness in the future, we have no right to place a limit on our forgiveness of others.

Secondly - We should forgive because if we do not forgive, it will hurt us more than the one who hurt us. Not to forgive is like an infection – in the soul – spreading poison through the entire life. The person who refuses to forgive inevitably becomes sour, cynical and sad.

The process of forgiving is fulfilled when you can want or desire good for the person who has wronged you instead of wishing evil to fall upon him or her… The good of the person then will be your intention for reconciliation, as we heard in our readings today, to help the person grow and become a better person… not to get even.

Then you can say you fulfilled the commandment “Love your enemy”.. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” because love – true love is willing the good of the other… even if the person is unloveable.

The problem is: when we come before God for our sins, we ask for Mercy but when it comes to other people’s sins or faults against us, we demand justice.

If you cannot forgive, maybe you need to examine your own relationship with God and your own experience of forgiveness, of being forgiven.

As Thomas Merton said: “We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.

Forgiving someone falling short of our expectations does not mean glossing over sin, or justifying it - but it DOES mean always trying to treat people with the respect and honor they deserve as beloved children of God – as our brothers and sisters  in Christ who have great dignity in God's eyes.

Admittedly – all these are much easier said than done. On our own, it is impossible… but by the grace of God – everything is possible.

 Mercy is not about pretending that something has not happened, that sin does not matter.

Mercy is about accepting to love as one is… as God is LOVE.

God created us in His own image and likeness - which is LOVE - and so our very nature is to love.

As we heard in the second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans:

“Brothers and sisters:  Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another”.

I will close with this story which some of you may have heard before but it is fitting:

There was this man who saw a scorpion floundering

around in the water. He decided to save it by

stretching out his finger, but the scorpion stung him.

The man tried again to get the scorpion out of the

water, but the scorpion stung him again.

Another guy nearby told him to stop saving the scorpion that kept

stinging him.

But the man said:

"It is the nature of the scorpion to sting.

It is my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature to love

just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting?"

Meaning -

Do not give up loving.

Do not give up your goodness.

Even if the people around you sting.

God bless…


Great is Your Faith

The New Testament is full of incidents where individuals had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus.  But - in all those incidents, there is probably none as moving or as difficult – even as confusing - to understand as the encounter with the Canaanite woman - as we heard in our Gospel reading.

 People might get the impression that Jesus seemed to be unsympathetic and even rude, degrading to the woman - a Gentile – an outcast. It is just unfortunate that we cannot hear the tone of Jesus’ voice as he spoke or we cannot see his facial expression as he talked of “giving that which belonged to the children to the dogs.”

 But - the woman - evidently, saw in it not a rejection or a snub but an invitation to persistence.

 Jesus’ words about dogs and children are a kind of a saying or a cliché that Jesus probably heard all his life: “Let the children first be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.”

 And so – the woman, understanding Jesus’ intent, the woman says, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the children’s crumbs or scraps that fall from the table.”  What a wonderful exchange between Jesus and the woman.

 The woman understood what Jesus meant when He said: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

 Meaning – The woman accepts the priority of Israel in God’s plan of salvation but she also says, in so many words: 

 “​You are Israel’s Messiah.  You are the one through whom God will bring salvation to the whole world – not only to the Jews.  But - Please, allow God’s plan for the future of the whole world to break into this present moment, and bring healing to my daughter now.”

 Meaning - She believes that Jesus has so much power that he will have more than enough left over from what Israel does not need or want. 

 The woman lived in a culture where women were meant to be seen and not heard, but she could not keep quiet because of her love for and her concern for her daughter.

 Her faith was not shaken by the attitude of the disciples who wanted Jesus to send her away.

 So - Jesus is moved and responds to such striking faith: “O Woman, great is your faith!  Let your wish be granted.”  Jesus’ words give voice to what the woman’s words have already demonstrated: her faith.

 Faith life – Christian life is such a paradox in the sense that true believers in God are born in hard times .,,  not when things are going well.   Great faith grows in times of doubt and despair.

 In the hardest times, faith reaches its greatest height.  It is strange but true.  Until we have known great despair, we cannot know great faith – personally. Great faith has always come out of situations of despair, of hopelessness.

 But – it does not mean that we pray or look for misery or desolation or trials - so that we will grow in faith.  Life will bring them to us and they will transform us.

 The saints - down through the centuries – gave us wonderful examples of faith even in the midst of despair and darkness. 

 So, let us never lose faith even when we often experience delay in God’s answers to our prayers. Being delayed is not being denied.

 The silences of God often refine our desires. Meaning - They help us - they give us a better understanding of the God from whom we seek help.  We often come to God for physical or material needs but later find out God meets even our even bigger or greater needs – more than we asked for.

 The reward for our faith is not always having our prayers answered.  In this case in the Gospel story, the woman received what she asked for. But there are many times when the things we want most are not given to us.  And even then, we are assured of God’s love and concern.

 It is the strength of our faith that takes us through the greatest challenges of life.

The Gospel story presents us with ideal way to pray and to have humble interior disposition we must have - when approaching God – with humility and persistence and utmost trust in God.

Some of you may be living with a quiet kind of desperateness or hopelessness that is destroying your happiness and peace.  You may not be able even to express it. You may not even want to discuss it with anyone.  And - hopefully NOT – you may even be considering – something very foolish.

 Let me urge you to do what the Canaanite woman did. Turn to God who loves you and cares for you…

 In the Gospel, Jesus said: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

 Yet, after Jesus’ resurrection, He told his disciples: “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”  (Mk 16:15).

  • Meaning - Even to the Gentiles… Meaning - to us.

  • By virtue of our baptism in Christ, we are now Beloved Sons and Daughters of God – Children of God… co-heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven.

We do not need to settle for “crumbs falling from the Master’s table”, so to speak. Those are for dogs!  Jesus’ death on the Cross – our being baptized into His death - has promoted/adopted us and made us children of the Master.

 The Master invites us to the table and feeds us with the finest spiritual food.

 In the Eucharist, Jesus not only gives us food and drink – He gives us very Himself – His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. You know what – the truth is - Every Mass is actually a Healing Mass. You do not have to look for or wait for a Healing Priest.

 But remember - We separate ourselves from His table when we go back to sinful life.

 Jesus sees all that is good within the human heart.  He saw the faith of the Canaanite woman.  He sees your faith. He sees my faith.  Jesus knows how hard we are trying our best to be faithful to Him and to serve Him.

 How wonderful is that?! We have such an awesome God!

He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He loves us more than we love ourselves.

 Hopefully, may we all get to the point in our lives, when we can say:   “We, not only believe - we know.” Amen.

 God bless…


Christ is in the Storm of Life With Us

Being a Christian in our society, in a very secular and even atheistic world, holding on to our faith - is hard – to say the least.  Like the disciples in the Gospel reading, it is like rowing a boat against a strong wind.  And so often - we are torn between our faith and our fears.

At times, we are like Simon Peter.  Our faith is strong, and it seems that we could walk on water.  At other times, our fear is stronger than our faith.  And it seems that we will surely sink.

Some days, we truly believe in Christ…. that He is real…. That He is with us…we believe that His love will finally conquer the world, and there will finally be peace… and therefore we are ready to give our lives for the sake of the Gospel…

But there are other days when the only thing that seems real is trouble. We are surrounded by struggles, aches and pains and sufferings… and we are afraid.  So, we give in to fears and doubts, thinking we have no choice but to rely solely on our own power and resources… because it seems God is silent and has forgotten about us.

Waves and wind – such a powerful metaphor for all those that cause fear and doubt in our daily lives... the stresses and responsibilities of our daily lives.

How often when a crisis comes in our life, we concentrate on the crisis instead of on God…. We take our eyes off of God.

When troubles come our way - often - we forget that God is still with us.  We feel and so we think God has abandoned us.  But our faith tells us that God is always with us. We cannot always rely on our feelings.  The truth is that God is with us always, whether or not we feel His presence…no matter what our feelings tell us.

Faith life – Christian life is such a paradox in the sense that true believers in God are born in hard times.  Great faith grows in times of doubt and despair.

In the hardest times, faith reaches its greatest height.  It is strange but true.  Until we have known great despair, we cannot know great faith.  Great faith has always come out of situations of despair.

But – it does not mean that we pray or look for misery or desolation or trials - so that we will grow in faith.  Life will bring them to us and they will transform us.

The saints - down through the centuries – gave us wonderful examples of faith even in the midst of despair and darkness. 

Cardinal Basil Hume wrote of St Thérèse’s of Lisieux – the Little Flower – “Even when she experienced nothing but absence, emptiness, darkness, she held on to the assurance of being loved and carried in Jesus’ arms….that is trust, clinging to God when everything in our experience would seem to contradict His very existence, or at least His love for us.”

The Lord knows that we are not saints, not yet anyway.  He knows that we are weak.  He accepted Peter with his failures and weaknesses, and turned him into the Rock of the Church.  The Lord takes us as we are and He walks with us on the water…in the storms of life.

God did not say that there will be no storms in our lives but He promised that He will be with us in our storms…  and so when a storm hits, we are asked to take the hand of Jesus and let him lift us to safety… so to speak. Peter gave us a good example - He cried out to Jesus, and he re-focused.  He said: “Jesus – save me! Jesus – save me! What saved Peter when he was sinking? - He reached out in faith.  And Christ saved him.

Jesus challenges us to keep our eyes on Him, to depend on Him, to believe in Him no matter what is going on in our daily lives.

Christ is in the storm of life with us.  Jesus is peace in the midst of the storm. Of course, this is much easier said than done…but our faith tells us to not give up… because the alternative is despair – which consumed Judas and we do not want to go there.   So - keep trying, keep trusting… sinking in life begins when we take our eyes off of God… when we forget and do not trust in the love and grace and mercy of God.

God only asks us to have the courage to put our faith in Him…and to not be afraid.”  It is a matter of the will, a matter of choice.  We have our free will.  We have to decide… whether or not to make that leap of faith in God.

In the Gospel reading, Peter began to sink when he concentrated too much on the threat of the wind and the waves instead of focusing on the presence of Jesus right there in front of him.

May the Lord increase our little faith so that in all the storms of life we shall have our eyes and our trust constantly fixed on Jesus and his power and not on the crisis, not on ourselves and not on our weaknesses.

With all the news of Maui fires, of hard times many people are going through, violence, all kinds of sickness, natural disasters, etc., everyone of us here has crisis or storms in our lives in one form or another.  Some of us here may be in the midst of a storm and on the verge of sinking in fear, into despair and hopelessness.

We have three choices – either to look at the crisis, or to look at our weakness, or to look at Jesus.

Jesus gave us an example in the Gospel of how we can prepare for and manage in the midst of the storms or chaos of life.

 We heard in the Gospel – Jesus went up on the mountain by himself to pray.

We need to be people who go alone by ourselves to be alone with the Lord every day of our lives in order to have peace even in the midst of crisis.

Yes -We are all busy to some extent or another.  People and responsibilities are pulling us a thousand ways!

That is why the busier we get, the more reason we must spend quality times with the Lord every day.

If coming to Sunday Mass is the only time you pray during the week – that is not good! You and I have to be alone with the Lord – our God - every day… even for a few minutes.  

 This is the most necessary thing in our lives, that we be still in the presence of God every day – so that we can continue to have peace even in the midst of the conflicts of life, even in the midst of weaknesses and darkness.

In prayer, we will be given the wisdom and the courage and the peace and we will know what to do, when to do it and how to do it, to whom to do it.

If we continue to focus and re-focus our eyes on God… If we keep our eyes on the Lord, the Good News is - we, too, can walk on water.


Jesus Be My Everything

Admittedly, at times - we can get so bogged down by struggles in this world and therefore we need to be reminded that this troubled world is not our final destiny.  The Gospel story of the Transfiguration of Christ gives us a glimpse that there is another world that is just as real as this world we live in….

As we heard in the Gospel: “Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Jesus.”  Moses and Elijah lived and departed from earthly life centuries before and there they were living and conversing with Jesus…sharing in His glory… giving us a glimpse of the eternal dimension… that there is life after death… with transfigured or resurrected body.

The transfiguration experience boosted the faith of Jesus’ apostles. An occasional glimpse of the other world can bring meaning and strength and hope to this present world.

 How about us - can we somehow expect a Transfiguration-like experience, to prepare us – to encourage us to carry our crosses daily in our lives to follow Jesus?  to boost our faith?... to strengthen us and give us hope?

 The answer is, yes; that is what Jesus is preparing for us at this very Mass we are celebrating. Our experience might be greatly different from what Peter, James or John experienced.  There will not be any blinding light nor voice speaking from the clouds; but, our experience can certainly be just as powerful…

 Of course, that will not happen by some kind of magic.  Our own transfiguration experience will depend on how much faith we bring to the experience… meaning, depending on if our hearts are open.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the efficacy of the sacrament – meaning - the grace we receive in the sacraments – like the Eucharist - depends on our disposition – depending on our openness, our willingness to cooperate with the grace of God.

 There is a common phrase – “You get out of it what you put into it.”  

Those who get bored during the Mass….Those who say that they get nothing out of the Mass…. They should ask themselves this question… What are they bringing into this celebration?  What kind of attitude do they have coming into Mass?  How much thought and how much preparation did they have or how did they prepare themselves for the Eucharistic celebration? Again, “you get out of Mass what you put into it.”

In just a few minutes, we will offer to God the bread and wine – along with our offerings of ourselves, our struggles, our hopes, our dreams – through Christ, with Christ and in Christ – WHO makes our offerings acceptable to God, our Father.

 At the consecration, the Holy Spirit will change our gifts - into the Body and Blood of Jesus.  Then - at Communion, when we receive the Body and Blood of Christ - Jesus will fill us with his glorious presence.  In that moment we, ourselves, can be transfigured, if you will.  We become what we partake; we become what we eat – We become the Body of Christ… As St. Teresa of Avila said:  Christ has no body now on earth but yours. Yours are His eyes, yours are His hands and yours are His feet.

That is why at the end of the Mass, we are sent – in the peace of Christ – to be other Christs in the world. …to be the living witnesses and sacraments of God’s love, grace and mercy…

Peter wanted to stay or extend the stay up in the mountain because “it is good to be here.”  The same thing with us, after our Eucharistic celebration - we need to go down into the valley, so to speak, of our day-to-day existence – into the ordinariness of our lives - because the Mass must be lived. 

Meaning - Our faith must be expressed in action, in living out the Gospel values… – proclaiming and sharing the message of salvation in Jesus Christ… by the way we live.

As St. Augustine puts it in one of his sermons on the Transfiguration, Elijah and Moses are there as “servants and ministers. Meaning - they are vessels: Christ is the fountain.” So, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, it is time for us to examine the focus of our mission as Church. Do we, as God’s church, also point to Christ without any ambiguity in all that we do and say?

Meaning - Think of all that we do: our worship, fellowship, Bible studies, feeding the homeless, advocacy for social justice, and all of our good works towards our neighbors and outreach, etc. The question, in light of the Transfiguration, is this: Do all the works - everything that we do - point clearly and plainly to Jesus Christ, the Son of God in whom the hopes of the world and the longings of every human heart are brought to peace beyond understanding? If not, then something must change.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church – the Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life… meaning - all the other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, of the Church - are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it.

 The Eucharist is all about Christ – His presence in us, among us, with us.

 For us Christians, “Life is about Jesus Christ. Anything and everything that matters flows from Him and returns to Him.”

This is the fundamental message of Christianity. It is exemplified in today’s feast: The Transfiguration of the Lord.

To put more perspective, Moses was the great Law Giver. Elijah was the greatest of the prophets. Meaning – Jesus is the fulfillment of everything foretold in the Old Testament.

Jesus is the center of history. Jesus is the center of the universe. Everything that matters flows from Jesus and points to Him. Jesus is the one who fulfills God’s plan for mankind.

So, we have to listen to Jesus because we also have a role in God’s plan for mankind. That meeting with Moses and Elijah had transcended time. Moses  lived about six hundred years before Elijah, and Elijah lived about eight hundred years before the birth of the Lord.

 But on that mountain of the Transfiguration, they were united in time. It was as though all that Moses gave, all that Elijah prophesied, was happening in the eternal now of the Word Become Flesh, Jesus. We are part of that Eternal Now.

From the clouds, they heard: “This is my Beloved Son. Listen to Him.” Those words are directed to us as well as to Peter, James and John.

Each of us has a role to play in God’s Plan for mankind. The late great pope, Pope Benedict XVI said: “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness.” We were created for greatness, to share in the Triumph of the Kingdom of God.

 How? How do we share in the Triumph of the Kingdom of God? We do this by living our lives in such a way that we reflect the presence of God in that unique way that we were created to do… that people whose lives we touch - experience the love, grace and mercy of God through us. Each of us can uniquely provide the world with an image of God the world never saw before and the world will never see again. We can and must do this. That is why we need to be united to God in every aspect of our lives and at every moment of our lives.

Again, as I have said at the beginning, at times - we get so bogged down by struggles and temptations in this world and we lose perspective of what life is all about and what really matters, therefore, we do not and cannot hear the voice of God anymore with all the worldly noises – and so - we need to get away from the world, so to speak – spend more time in prayer every day – to listen to the voice of God… even for a few minutes each day…

Yes - so many people are now living in seemingly hopeless desperate situations… and we are called to trust in God even without knowing how God is going to care for us, even though we have no idea how God could possibly help us.  But - as the Pope said:  Only in Christ can humanity find redemption and hope.

So, let us love Jesus with all our hearts, with all our mind and with all our might and let Jesus love us.

And so we pray – in the words of a popular song – please repeat after me: “Jesus, Be My Everything!”  AMEN.